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Welcome to the TTK Online Example Database!

This website hosts a list of data analysis pipelines exemplifying the usage of TTK with ParaView and its Python API pvpython.

This website is targeting novice users who are not power users of ParaView but who would like to get started with topological data analysis with TTK in Python.

Each example includes:

  • a screenshot (or a tutorial video)
  • a short description
  • the command line to reproduce the example with ParaView
  • the corresponding Python code, to:
    • load the input data
    • execute the analysis pipeline
    • store the output to disk (for later analysis or visualization, e.g. with ParaView)
  • a description of the inputs and outputs
  • pointers to the corresponding C++/Python documentation

This documentation assumes a default installation of the latest version of TTK (with the pvpython API support enabled) and that the repository ttk-data has been downloaded locally.

If you have any questions regarding these examples, please let us know by sending an email to the TTK user mailing list!

Scalar data

Name Screenshot
Dragon ExampleImage
Morse persistence ExampleImage
Built-in example 1 ExampleImage
Interaction site ExampleImage
Morse molecule ExampleImage
Morse-Smale segmentation AT ExampleImage
Tectonic puzzle ExampleImage
CT bones ExampleImage
Tribute ExampleImage
Image processing ExampleImage
Persistence driven compression ExampleImage
Morse-Smale quadrangulation ExampleImage
Persistent Generators Molecule ExampleImage
Persistent Generators Cosmic Web ExampleImage
Topological Optimization Cosmic Web ExampleImage

Bivariate scalar data

Name Screenshot
Built-in example 2 ExampleImage

Uncertain scalar data

Name Screenshot
Uncertain starting vortex ExampleImage

Time-varying scalar data

Name Screenshot
Time tracking ExampleImage
Tracking from critical points ExampleImage

Ensemble scalar data

Name Screenshot
Persistence diagram distance ExampleImage
Persistence diagram clustering ExampleImage
Clustering Kelvin Helmoltz Instabilities ExampleImage
Persistence diagram Wasserstein Auto-Encoding ExampleImage
Merge feature tracking ExampleImage
Merge tree temporal reduction ExampleImage
Merge tree clustering ExampleImage
Merge tree principal geodesic analysis ExampleImage
Merge tree Wasserstein Auto-Encoding ExampleImage
Contour tree alignment ExampleImage
Persistent Generators Periodic Picture ExampleImage

High-dimensional / point cloud data

Name Screenshot
TopoMap Teaser ExampleImage
Persistent Generators Household Analysis ExampleImage
Karhunen-Love Digits 64-Dimensions ExampleImage
Persistence clustering0 ExampleImage
Persistence clustering1 ExampleImage
Persistence clustering2 ExampleImage
Persistence clustering3 ExampleImage
Persistence clustering4 ExampleImage
Persistence clustering gallery ExampleImage
1-manifold learning ExampleImage
1-manifold learning circles ExampleImage
2-manifold learning ExampleImage

In-situ features

Name Screenshot
Geometry approximation ExampleImage

Misc features

Name Screenshot
Persistent Generators Casting ExampleImage
Persistent Generators Fertility ExampleImage
Persistent Generators Skull ExampleImage
Topological Optimization for Torus Genus Repair ExampleImage
Topological Optimization for Pegasus Genus Repair ExampleImage
Manifold checks ExampleImage
Cinema IO
Compact Triangulation
MPI Example ExampleImage