60 = std::numeric_limits<idSuperArc>::max();
61 static const idNode nullNodes = std::numeric_limits<idNode>::max();
62 static const SimplexId nullVertex = std::numeric_limits<SimplexId>::max();
63 static const idCorresp nullCorresp = std::numeric_limits<idCorresp>::max();
64 static const idSegment nullSegment = std::numeric_limits<idSegment>::max();
66 = std::numeric_limits<idInterface>::max();
68 = std::numeric_limits<idPartition>::max();
69 static const ufDataType nullUfData = std::numeric_limits<ufDataType>::max();
71 = std::numeric_limits<ufDataType>::max() - 1;
numThread idInterface
index of the interface/partition in vect_interfaces_
idSuperArc idSegment
for the segmentation, we have an array of segment containing area of the mesh
long long int idCorresp
type used to recover Node/Arc in vert2tree SIGNED ONLY
long unsigned int idSuperArc
SuperArc index in vect_superArcs_.
long int ufDataType
type stored by UnionFind
unsigned int idNode
Node index in vect_nodes_.
ThreadId numThread
type use to store threads related numbers
int ThreadId
Identifier type for threads (i.e. with OpenMP).
int SimplexId
Identifier type for simplices of any dimension.