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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NttkThe Topology ToolKit
 CAtomicUFTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CContourForestsTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CContourForestsTreeTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CDataTypesTTK base package defining the standard types
 CDataTypesTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CDataTypesTTK DataType management for the reeb graph
 CExtendedUnionFindTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CFTMTreeTTK processing package that deal with segmentation
 CFTMTree_CTTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CFTMTree_MTTTK container representing a node of the FTMTree_MT
 CFTMTreePPTTK processing package that add persistence pairs features
 CMergeTreeTTK container representing a node of the MergeTree
 COctreeImplementation of the point region (PR) octree
 CttkAlgorithmBaseclass of all VTK filters that wrap ttk modules
 CttkArrayEditorTTK VTK-filter that edit arrays of a vtkDataObject
 CttkArrayPreconditioningTTK VTK-filter to generate order fields
 CttkBarycentricSubdivisionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::BarycentricSubdivision processing package
 CttkBlockAggregatorTTK VTK-filter that appends every input vtkDataObject as a block to an output vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CttkBottleneckDistanceTTK VTK-filter that wraps the bottleneckDistance processing package
 CttkCinemaDarkroomCameraThis source generates a Cinema Darkroom Camera
 CttkCinemaDarkroomColorMappingPerforms color mapping of a scalar field
 CttkCinemaDarkroomCompositingComposites multiple vtkImageData objects base on depth values
 CttkCinemaDarkroomFXAAFast Approximate Anti-Aliasing
 CttkCinemaDarkroomIBSImage Based Shading
 CttkCinemaDarkroomShaderBase Class for all CinemaDarkroom Shaders
 CttkCinemaDarkroomSSAOScreen Space Ambient Occlusion
 CttkCinemaDarkroomSSDoFScreen Space Depth of Field
 CttkCinemaDarkroomSSSAOScalable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
 CttkCinemaImagingTTK VTK-filter that generates images of a vtkDataSet
 CttkCinemaProductReaderTTK VTK-filter that reads the data products that are referenced in a vtkTable
 CttkCinemaQueryTTK VTK-filter that uses a SQL statement to select a subset of a vtkTable
 CttkCinemaReaderTTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database
 CttkCinemaWriterTTK VTK-filter that writes input to disk
 CttkClusteringMetricsTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::ClusteringMetrics module
 CttkComponentSizeTTK VTK-filter that computes the connected components of a data-set, and that computes their size (number of vertices, number of cells, etc.)
 CttkConnectedComponentsTTK VTK-filter that computes connected components based on a scalar field
 CttkContinuousScatterPlotTTK VTK-filter that computes the continuous scatterplot of bivariate volumetric data
 CttkContourAroundPointTTK VTK-filter that wraps the contourAroundPoint processing package
 CttkContourForestsTTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CttkContourTreeTTK filter for the computation of contour trees
 CttkContourTreeAlignmentTTK VTK-filter that computes an alignment for a multiblock of contourtrees
 CttkDataSetInterpolatorTTK VTK-filter that wraps the dataSetInterpolator processing package
 CttkDataSetToTableTTK VTK-filter that creates a vtkTable from a vtkDataSet
 CttkDepthImageBasedGeometryApproximationTTK VTK-filter that approximates the geometry that is depicted by a set of depth images
 CttkDimensionReductionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::DimensionReduction processing package
 CttkDiscreteGradientTTK VTK-filter that wraps the discreteGradient processing package
 CttkDistanceFieldTTK VTK-filter for distance field computations
 CttkDistanceMatrixDistortionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::DistanceMatrixDistortion module
 CttkEigenFieldTTK VTK-filter for eigenfunctions computation
 CttkEndForTTK VTK-filter that requests data as long as it is available
 CttkExtractTTK VTK-filter that provides multiple methods to extract subsets of an input data object based on a logical expression
 CttkFiberTTK VTK-filter for fiber computation on bivariate volumetric data
 CttkFiberSurfaceTTK VTK-filter that computes fiber surfaces
 CttkFlattenMultiBlockTTK processing package for flattening the top-level hierarchy of a tree vtkMultiBlockDataSet structure
 CttkForEachTTK VTK-filter that works in conjunction with the ttkEndFor filter to iterate over blocks, rows, array values, and arrays
 CttkGaussianPointCloudTTK VTK-filter that generates a 1D, 2D or 3D point cloud by randomly casting samples from a Gaussian distribution
 CttkGeometrySmootherTTK VTK-filter for geometry smoothing
 CttkGridLayoutTTK VTK-filter that arranges vtkDataSets on a grid
 CttkHarmonicFieldTTK VTK-filter for harmonic field computations
 CttkHelloWorldTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::HelloWorld module
 CttkIdentifierRandomizerTTK VTK-filter that randomly shuffles segmentation identifiers
 CttkIdentifiersTTK VTK-filter that triggers the computation of global identifiers
 CttkIdentifyByScalarFieldTTK VTK-filter that computes a new scalar array based on a sorting of the input array
 CttkImportEmbeddingFromTableTTK VTK-filter that embeds a vtkPointSet with the data of a vtkTable
 CttkIntegralLinesTTK VTK-filter for the computation of edge-based integral lines of the gradient of an input scalar field
 CttkJacobiSetTTK VTK-filter that computes the Jacobi set of a bivariate volumetric data-set
 CttkLDistanceTTK VTK-filter that wraps the lDistance processing package
 CttkLDistanceMatrixComputes a distance matrix using LDistance between several input datasets with the same number of points
 CttkMandatoryCriticalPointsTTK VTK-filter for the computation of mandatory critical points in uncertain scalar data
 CttkManifoldCheckTTK VTK-filter for manifold checks
 CttkMarchingTetrahedraTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MarchingTetrahedra module
 CttkMatrixToHeatMapGenerates a Heat Map from a Distance Matrix stored into a vtkTable
 CttkMergeBlockTablesTTK processing package for merging vtkTables from a vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CttkMergeTreeTTK filter for the computation of merge trees
 CttkMergeTreeAutoencoderTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeAutoencoder module
 CttkMergeTreeAutoencoderDecodingTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeAutoencoderDecoding module
 CttkMergeTreeClusteringTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeClustering module
 CttkMergeTreeDistanceMatrixTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeDistanceMatrix module
 CttkMergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreePrincipalGeodesics module
 CttkMergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecodingTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecoding module
 CttkMergeTreeTemporalReductionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeTemporalReduction module
 CttkMergeTreeTemporalReductionDecodingTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeTemporalReductionDecoding module
 CttkMeshGraphTTK VTK-filter that generates a mesh for a graph
 CttkMeshSubdivisionTTK VTK-filter for the computation of mesh subdivisions (without vertex displacement)
 CttkMetricDistortionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MetricDistortion module
 CttkMorphologicalOperatorsTTK VTK-filter that dilates or erodes a specified vertex label
 CttkMorseSmaleComplexTTK VTK-filter that wraps the morseSmaleComplex processing package
 CttkMorseSmaleQuadrangulationTTK VTK-filter for surface quadrangulation
 CttkOBJWriterTtkOBJWriter - Object File Format Writer
 CttkOFFReaderTtkOFFReader - Object File Format Reader
 CttkOFFWriterTtkOFFWriter - Object File Format Writer
 CttkPathCompressionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::PathCompression module
 CttkPeriodicGhostsGenerationTTK VTK-filter that generates an outside ghost layer for periodic implicit grids when used in a distributed context
 CttkPersistenceCurveTTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistence curves
 CttkPersistenceDiagramTTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistence diagrams
 CttkPersistenceDiagramApproximationTTK VTK-filter for the computation of an approximation of a persistence diagram
 CttkPersistenceDiagramClusteringTTK processing package for the computation of Wasserstein barycenters and K-Means clusterings of a set of persistence diagrams
 CttkPersistenceDiagramDistanceMatrixTTK processing package for the computation of a matrix of Wasserstein distances between persistence diagrams
 CttkPersistentGeneratorsTTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistent generators
 CttkPlanarGraphLayoutTTK VTK-filter that computes a planar graph layout
 CttkPointDataConverterTTK VTK-filter that converts data types for point-based scalar fields (for instance, from double to float)
 CttkPointDataSelectorTTK VTK-filter that selects scalar fields on input with shallow copy
 CttkPointMergerTTK VTK-filter for point merging
 CttkPointSetToCurveTTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database
 CttkPointSetToSurfaceTTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database
 CttkProgramBaseBase VTK editor class for standalone programs. This class parses the the command line, execute the TTK module and takes care of the IO
 CttkProjectionFromFieldTTK VTK-filter which projects a data-set to 2D given two point-data scalar fields to be used as 2D coordinates
 CttkProjectionFromTableTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::ProjectionFromTable module
 CttkQuadrangulationSubdivisionTTK VTK-filter for surface quadrangulation
 CttkRangePolygonTTK VTK-filter which produces a valid range polygon for fiber surface extraction
 CttkReebGraphTTK VTK-filter for the computation of Reeb Graphs
 CttkReebSpaceTTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the Reeb space of bivariate volumetric data
 CttkRipsComplexTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::RipsComplex processing package
 CttkRipsPersistenceDiagramTTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::RipsPersistenceDiagram module
 CttkScalarFieldCriticalPointsTTK VTK-filter for the computation of critical points in PL scalar fields defined on PL manifolds
 CttkScalarFieldNormalizerTTK VTK-filter that normalizes an input scalar field
 CttkScalarFieldSmootherTTK VTK-filter for scalar field smoothing
 CttkSignedDistanceFieldThis filter computes a signed distance field given a surface in input
 CttkSphereFromPointTTK VTK-filter that produces sphere-only glyphs
 CttkStableManifoldPersistenceTTK VTK-filter for attaching to an input stable manifold (given by the Morse-Smale complex module) its persistence (given by the persistence diagram)
 CttkStringArrayConverterTTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database
 CttkSurfaceGeometrySmootherTTK VTK-filter for smoothing meshes on surfaces
 CttkTableDataSelectorTTK VTK-filter that selects scalar fields on input with shallow copy
 CttkTableDistanceMatrixComputes a distance matrix using LDistance from a vtkTable
 CttkTextureMapFromFieldTTK VTK-filter which generates a texture map from one or two point data scalar fields
 CttkTopologicalCompressionReaderVTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompressionWriter processing package
 CttkTopologicalCompressionWriterVTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompressionWriter processing package
 CttkTopologicalSimplificationTTK VTK-filter for the topological simplification of scalar data
 CttkTopologicalSimplificationByPersistenceTTK VTK-filter that computes a persistence-based simplification of a scalar field
 CttkTrackingFromFieldsTTK VTK-filter that takes an input time-varying data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes a tracking mesh
 CttkTrackingFromOverlapTTK VTK-filter that computes the overlap between labeled vtkPointSets
 CttkTriangulationManagerTTK VTK-filter that manages ttk::Triangulation options
 CttkTriangulationReaderTTK VTK-filter that reads a TTK Triangulation file
 CttkTriangulationRequestTTK VTK-filter that wraps the triangulation processing package
 CttkTriangulationWriterTtkTriangulationWriter - Explicit Triangulation Writer
 CttkUncertainDataEstimatorTTK VTK-filter that takes an input ensemble data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes various vertexwise statistics (PDF estimation, bounds, moments, etc.)
 CttkUserInterfaceBaseInteractions and rendering
 CttkUtilsTTK Util Functions
 CttkWRLExporterTTK helper that fixes a few bugs in the texture support for the VRML export
 CvtkTopologicalCompressionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompression processing package