►Nttk | The Topology ToolKit |
►Ncf | |
CArcRegion | |
CContourForests | |
CContourForestsTree | |
CExtendedUnionFind | |
CInterface | |
CMergeTree | |
CNode | |
CParallelData | |
CParallelParams | |
CParams | |
CRegion | |
CScalars | |
CSegment | |
CSegments | |
Csorted_iterator | |
CSuperArc | |
CTreeData | |
Cvertex | |
►Ncta | |
CAlignmentEdge | Basic data structure for an edge of an unrooted alignment tree |
CAlignmentNode | Basic data structure for a node of an unrooted alignment tree |
CAlignmentTree | Basic tree data structure for an alignment of two rooted binary trees |
CBinaryTree | Basic tree data structure for a rooted contour tree of degree 2 and rooted contour tree alignments of degree 2 |
CContourTree | Contour Tree Data Structure for an unrooted contour tree of unbounded degree for internal use from the ttk:ContourTreeAlignment module |
CCTEdge | Basic data structure for an edge of an unrooted contour tree |
CCTNode | Basic data structure for a node of an unrooted contour tree |
CTree | Basic tree data structure for a rooted contour tree of unbounded degree |
►Ndcg | |
CCell | |
CCellExt | Extended Cell structure for processLowerStars |
CDiscreteGradient | TTK discreteGradient processing package |
►Nftm | |
CArcData | |
CArcRegion | |
CAtomicUF | |
CComparison | |
CCurrentState | |
CFTMTree | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CFTMTree_CT | |
CFTMTree_MT | |
CFTMTreePP | |
CLocalFTM | |
CMergeTree | |
CNode | |
CNodeData | |
CParams | |
CRegion | |
CScalars | |
CSegment | |
CSegments | |
CSharedData | |
CSuperArc | |
CTreeData | |
CVertData | |
CWrapperData | |
►Nftr | |
CAllocable | |
CArcData | |
CAtomicUF | Union find compliant with parallel find and maintaining the current local propagation inspired by ttk::UnionFind |
CComp | |
CDynamicGraph | TTK fTRGraph dynamic graph tracking the evolution of level sets |
CDynGraphNode | Class representing a node of a tree and the link to its parent if not the root |
CDynGraphs | |
CFTRGraph | TTK FTRGraph processing package |
CGraph | TTK FTRGraph graph skeleton |
CLazy | TTK DynamicGraph laziness |
CLocalForest | |
CLocalForests | |
CMesh | TTK FTRGraph mesh related operations |
CNode | TTK FTRGraph node of the Graph |
CNodeData | |
CObjectData | |
CParams | |
CPropagation | TTK fTRGraph propagation management with Fibonacci heaps |
CPropagations | Manage propagations for FTR Graph |
CScalars | |
CSegment | TTK processing package that deal with segmentation of an arc in the Reeb Graph |
CSegmInfo | |
CStar | |
CSuperArc | TTK FTRGraph graph arc |
CTaskChunk | |
CTasks | TTK FTRGraph tasks management tools |
CtriScheme | |
CValences | |
CVert | |
CVertData | |
CVisit | |
CVisits | |
►NGeometry | |
CProjectionInput | Stores the findProjection() input |
CProjectionResult | Stores the findProjection() result |
►Nintgl | |
CIntegralLine | Struct containing the data of an integral line. trajectories: vector of identifiers of each vertex the integral line passes on distanceFromSeed: distance of each vertex for the integral line from the seed localVertexIdentifiers: vector of local vertex ids. It represents the number of the vertex in the integral line. seedIdentifier: identifier of the seed of the integral line forkIdentifier: identifier of the last fork the integral line encountered |
►Nlts | |
CLocalizedTopologicalSimplification | |
CPropagation | Superlevel Set Component Propagation |
►NperiodicGhosts | |
CpartialGlobalBound | |
CAbstractTriangulation | AbstractTriangulation is an interface class that defines an interface for efficient traversal methods on triangulations of piecewise linear manifolds |
CApproximateTopology | TTK processing package for progressive Topological Data Analysis |
CArc | |
CArrayLinkedList | This class describes a dynamic size data structure for thread safe computation. It is a linked list of arrays that also stores the current number of elements. Its key feature is that the addition of an element will never cause the moving of the data structure in memory, unlike an std::vector, making the access to an element thread safe even if another thread is adding elements |
CArrayPreconditioning | |
CAssignmentAuction | |
CAssignmentExhaustive | |
CAssignmentMunkres | |
CAssignmentSolver | |
CBarycentricSubdivision | Subdivise a triangulation according to triangle barycenter |
CBaseClass | TTK base package |
CBidder | |
CBottleneckDistance | |
►CBoundingVolumeHierarchy | Acceleration structure for native ray tracer. Based on implementation described in Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob and Greg Humphreys |
CNode | |
CTriangle | |
CBranchMappingDistance | |
CCellArray | CellArray generic array of cells |
CCinemaImaging | TTK modules that generates images of a dataset |
CCinemaImagingEmbree | TTK CinemaImagingEmbree processing package |
CCinemaImagingNative | Native renderer that uses a bounding volume hierarchy for accelerated raycasting |
CCinemaQuery | TTK cinemaQuery processing package |
CClusteringMetrics | |
►CCommandLineParser | Basic command line parsing |
CCommandLineArgument | |
CCompactTriangulation | CompactTriangulation is a class implemented based on the TopoCluster data structure, which is a localized data structure for simplicial meshes. The key idea of TopoCluster is to subdivide the simplicial mesh into clusters. Then, the connectivity information is computed locally for each cluster and discarded when it is no longer needed. The simplicial mesh needs to be subdivided before using TopoCluster, i.e., there has to be a scalar field named "ttkCompactTriangulationIndex" to denote the cluster index of each vertex. Note Topocluster will reindex the simplices based on the clustering input array. Related publications
"TopoCluster: A Localized Data Structure for Topology-based Visualization" Guoxi Liu, Federico Iuricich, Riccardo Fellegara, and Leila De Floriani IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021 |
CCompactTriangulationPreconditioning | TTK processing package for mesh preprocessing before using TopoCluster |
CCompare | |
►CConnectedComponents | TTK connectedComponents processing package |
CComponent | |
CContinuousScatterPlot | TTK processing package that computes the continuous scatterplot of bivariate volumetric data |
CContourAroundPoint | TTK contourAroundPoint processing package |
CContourTree | TTK processing package that computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CContourTreeAlignment | TTK contourTreeAlignment processing package |
CContourTreeSimplificationMetric | |
CcriticalPointPairComparison | Comparison between critical point pairs ( (Extremum,Saddle), dist(M,S) ) |
CCriticalVertex | Critical Vertex |
CDebug | Minimalist debugging class |
CDebugMemory | Legacy backward compatibility |
CDebugTimer | Legacy backward compatibility |
CDepthImageBasedGeometryApproximation | This module approximates the depicted geometry of a depth image |
CDimensionReduction | TTK VTK-filter that apply dimension reduction algorithms on input |
►CDiscreteMorseSandwich | TTK DiscreteMorseSandwich processing package |
CEdgeSimplex | Simplex adaptation for edges |
CGeneratorType | Type for exporting persistent generators |
CPersistencePair | Persistence pair struct as exported by DiscreteGradient |
CSimplex | Ad-hoc struct for sorting simplices |
CTetraSimplex | Simplex adaptation for tetrahedra |
CTriangleSimplex | Simplex adaptation for triangles |
CDistanceField | TTK processing package for distance field computation on PL manifolds |
CDistanceMatrixDistortion | |
CDynamicTree | Implements the Dynamic Tree data-structure (or ST-Tree) |
CDynTreeNode | Class representing a node of a tree and the link to its parent if not the root |
CEigenField | TTK processing package for computing eigenfunctions of a triangular mesh |
CExplicitTriangulation | ExplicitTriangulation is a class that provides time efficient traversal methods on triangulations of piecewise linear manifolds |
►CExTreeM | |
CBranch | A branch consists of the saddle vertices lying on the branch, and the parentbranch from which it splits / joins |
►CFiberSurface | TTK processing package that computes fiber surfaces |
CIntersectionTriangle | |
CTriangle | |
CVertex | |
►CFlatJaggedArray | Replacement for std::vector<std::vector<SimplexId>> |
CIterator | |
CSlice | |
CFTMAtomicVector | TTK processing package that manage a parallel vecrion of vector |
CFTRAtomicVector | TTK processing package that manage a parallel version of vector Same as in FTM: Common ? |
CGabowTarjan | |
CGaussianPointCloud | TTK gaussianPointCloud processing package that generates a 1D, 2D or 3D point cloud by randomly casting samples from a Gaussian distribution |
CGood | |
►CGraph | |
CEdge | |
CVertex | |
CHarmonicField | TTK processing package for the topological simplification of scalar data |
CHelloWorld | |
CIcosphere | |
CIdentifiers | |
CImplicitCluster | |
CImplicitNoPreconditions | Implicit Triangulation class without preconditioning |
CImplicitTriangulation | ImplicitTriangulation is a class that provides time and memory efficient traversal methods on triangulations of piecewise linear manifolds represented by regular grids |
CImplicitTriangulationCRTP | |
CImplicitWithPreconditions | Implicit Triangulation class with preconditioning |
CIntegralLines | TTK processing package for the computation of edge-based integral lines of the gradient of an input scalar field defined on a PL manifold |
CJacobiSet | TTK processing package for the computation of the Jacobi set of bivariate volumetric data |
CKDTree | TTK KD-Tree |
CLDistance | TTK lDistance processing package |
CLDistanceMatrix | |
CLegacyTopologicalSimplification | TTK processing package for the topological simplification of scalar data |
CLock | RAII wrapper around OpenMP lock |
►CLowestCommonAncestor | Class to answer the lowest common ancestor requests of pairs of nodes in a tree in constant time after a linear time preprocess |
CNode | |
CLRUCache | LRU cache implementation |
CMandatoryCriticalPoints | TTK processing package for the computation of mandatory critical points in uncertain scalar data |
CmandatorySaddleComparison | Comparison between mandatory saddles (Saddle id, Number of merged extrema) |
CManifoldCheck | TTK processing package for manifold checks |
CMarchingTetrahedra | TTK processing package for Marching Tetra/Triangles computations |
CMemory | |
CMergeTreeAutoencoder | |
CMergeTreeAutoencoderDecoding | |
CMergeTreeAxesAlgorithmBase | |
CMergeTreeBarycenter | |
CMergeTreeBase | |
CMergeTreeClustering | |
CMergeTreeDistance | |
CMergeTreeDistanceMatrix | |
►CMergeTreePrincipalGeodesics | |
CCompare | |
CMergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsBase | |
CMergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecoding | |
CMergeTreeTemporalReduction | |
CMergeTreeTemporalReductionDecoding | |
CMergeTreeVisualization | |
CMeshGraph | TTK meshGraph processing package |
CMetricDistortion | |
CMorphologicalOperators | TTK morphologicalOperators processing package |
►CMorseSmaleComplex | TTK processing package for the computation of Morse-Smale complexes |
COutput1Separatrices | 1-Separatrices point and cell data arrays |
COutput2Separatrices | 2-Separatrices point and cell data arrays |
COutputCriticalPoints | Critical points data arrays |
COutputManifold | Pointers to pre-allocated segmentation point data arrays |
CSeparatrix | |
CMorseSmaleQuadrangulation | TTK processing package for the topological simplification of scalar data |
►CMultiresTopology | TTK processing package for progressive Topological Data Analysis |
CPersistencePair | |
CMultiresTriangulation | MultiresTriangulation |
CNode | |
COneSkeleton | OneSkeleton processing package |
COsCall | Os-specifics |
CpairComparison | Comparison of the second member of a std::pair<int,double> |
►CPathCompression | TTK processing package for the computation of Morse-Smale segmentations using Path Compression |
COutputSegmentation | Pointers to pre-allocated segmentation point data arrays |
CPathMappingDistance | |
CPDBarycenter | |
CPDClustering | |
CPDFBounds | |
CPDFHistograms | |
CPeriodicImplicitTriangulation | TTK triangulation class for grids with periodic boundary conditions implemented in all directions |
CPeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP | |
CPeriodicNoPreconditions | Periodic implicit Triangulation class without preconditioning |
CPeriodicWithPreconditions | Periodic implicit Triangulation class with preconditioning |
CPersistenceCurve | TTK processing package for the computation of persistence curves |
CPersistenceDiagram | TTK processing package for the computation of persistence diagrams |
CPersistenceDiagramAuction | |
CPersistenceDiagramAuctionActor | |
CPersistenceDiagramBarycenter | |
CPersistenceDiagramClustering | TTK processing package for the computation of Wasserstein barycenters and K-Means clusterings of a set of persistence diagrams |
CPersistenceDiagramDistanceMatrix | |
CPersistenceMetric | |
CPersistencePair | Persistence Pair |
CPersistentGenerators | TTK PersistentGenerators processing package |
►CPersistentSimplexPairs | Textbook algorithm to find persistence pairs |
CPersistencePair | |
CPlanarGraphLayout | TTK planarGraphLayout processing package |
CProgram | |
CProgramBase | Base editor class for standalone programs. This class parses the the command line, execute the TTK module and takes care of the IO |
CProgressiveTopology | TTK processing package for progressive Topological Data Analysis |
CProjectionFromTable | |
CQuadrangulation | |
CQuadrangulationSubdivision | TTK processing package for the topological simplification of scalar data |
►CRangeDrivenOctree | TTK optional package for octree based range queries in bivariate volumetric data |
COctreeNode | |
CRangeMinimumQuery | Class to answer range minimum queries in an array in constant time after a linearithmic time preprocess |
CRay | Data structure for a ray |
►CReebSpace | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the Reeb space of bivariate volumetric data |
CSheet0 | |
CSheet1 | |
CSheet2 | |
CSheet3 | |
CRegularGridTriangulation | RegularGridTriangulation is an abstract subclass of ttk::AbstractTriangulation that exposes a common MPI API for triangulation on regular grids. The virtual methods in this class are meant to be implemented in ttk::ImplicitTriangulation and ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulation. This meta-class only holds an interface for MPI-related features for the moment but will maybe be enlarged in the future |
CRipsComplex | TTK VTK-filter that computes a Rips complex |
CRipsPersistenceDiagram | TTK base class that computes the persistence diagram of a Rips complex |
CScalarFieldCriticalPoints | TTK processing package for the computation of critical points in PL scalar fields defined on PL manifolds |
CScalarFieldSmoother | TTK processing package for scalar field smoothing |
CSignedDistanceField | This filter computes a signed distance field given a surface in input |
CSubLevelSetTree | |
CSuperArc | |
►CSurfaceGeometrySmoother | TTK VTK-filter for smoothing meshes on surfaces |
CPoint | |
CSweepCmp | |
CThreeSkeleton | ThreeSkeleton processing package |
CTimer | |
CTopologicalCompression | TTK topologicalCompression processing package |
CTopologicalOptimization | |
CTopologicalSimplification | TTK processing package for the topological simplification of scalar data |
CTopoMap | |
CTrackingFromFields | |
►CTrackingFromOverlap | TTK trackingFromOverlap processing package that tracks labeled point sets |
CCoordinateComparator | |
CNode | |
CTrackingFromPersistenceDiagrams | |
CTriangulation | Triangulation is a class that provides time and memory efficient traversal methods on triangulations of piecewise linear manifolds. It provides the following features: |
CttkCinemaImagingEmbree | |
CttkCinemaImagingNative | |
CttkCinemaImagingVTK | |
CTwoSkeleton | TwoSkeleton processing package |
CUncertainDataEstimator | TTK processing package that takes an input ensemble data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes various vertexwise statistics (PDF estimation, bounds, moments, etc.) |
CUnionFind | Union Find implementation for connectivity tracking |
CVisitedMask | Auto-cleaning re-usable graph propagations data structure |
►CWebSocketIO | |
CMessage | |
CWrapper | Wrapper class to wrap ttk code |
CZeroSkeleton | ZeroSkeleton processing package |
C_persistenceCmp | |
C_persistenceCmp3 | |
C_persistencePairCmp | |
CAtomicUF | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
Cbinomial_coeff_table | |
CBranchMappingDistance | |
Ccompressed_distance_matrix | |
Ccompressed_sparse_matrix | |
CContourForests | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CContourForestsTree | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CDataTypes | TTK base package defining the standard types |
CDataTypes | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CDataTypes | TTK DataType management for the reeb graph |
Cdiameter_entry_t | |
Ceuclidean_distance_matrix | |
CExtendedUnionFind | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CfiltrationCtCmp | |
CFTMTree | TTK processing package that deal with segmentation |
CFTMTree_CT | TTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CFTMTree_MT | TTK container representing a node of the FTMTree_MT |
CFTMTreePP | TTK processing package that add persistence pairs features |
CFTMTreePPUtils | |
CFTMTreeUtils_Template | |
Cgreater_diameter_or_smaller_index | |
CLocalizedTopologicalSimplification | |
CLocCell | |
CMergeTree | TTK container representing a node of the MergeTree |
CMergeTreeBarycenter | |
CMergeTreeBase | |
CMergeTreeClustering | |
CMergeTreeDistance | |
CMergeTreeUtils | |
CMergeTreeVisualization | |
CMyCmp | |
COctree | Implementation of the point region (PR) octree |
COctreeNode | |
CPathMappingDistance | |
CRegistryValue | |
►CRipser | |
Csimplex_coboundary_enumerator | |
Csparse_distance_matrix | |
CttkAlgorithm | Baseclass of all VTK filters that wrap ttk modules |
CttkArrayEditor | TTK VTK-filter that edit arrays of a vtkDataObject |
CttkArrayPreconditioning | TTK VTK-filter to generate order fields |
CttkBarycentricSubdivision | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::BarycentricSubdivision processing package |
CttkBlockAggregator | TTK VTK-filter that appends every input vtkDataObject as a block to an output vtkMultiBlockDataSet |
CttkBottleneckDistance | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the bottleneckDistance processing package |
CttkCinemaDarkroomCamera | This source generates a Cinema Darkroom Camera |
CttkCinemaDarkroomColorMapping | Performs color mapping of a scalar field |
CttkCinemaDarkroomCompositing | Composites multiple vtkImageData objects base on depth values |
CttkCinemaDarkroomFXAA | Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing |
CttkCinemaDarkroomIBS | Image Based Shading |
CttkCinemaDarkroomNoise | Noise |
CttkCinemaDarkroomShader | Base Class for all CinemaDarkroom Shaders |
CttkCinemaDarkroomSSAO | Screen Space Ambient Occlusion |
CttkCinemaDarkroomSSDoF | Screen Space Depth of Field |
CttkCinemaDarkroomSSSAO | Scalable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion |
CttkCinemaImaging | TTK VTK-filter that generates images of a vtkDataSet |
CttkCinemaProductReader | TTK VTK-filter that reads the data products that are referenced in a vtkTable |
CttkCinemaQuery | TTK VTK-filter that uses a SQL statement to select a subset of a vtkTable |
CttkCinemaReader | TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database |
CttkCinemaWriter | TTK VTK-filter that writes input to disk |
CttkClusteringMetrics | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::ClusteringMetrics module |
CttkComponentSize | TTK VTK-filter that computes the connected components of a data-set, and that computes their size (number of vertices, number of cells, etc.) |
CttkConnectedComponents | TTK VTK-filter that computes connected components based on a scalar field |
CttkContinuousScatterPlot | TTK VTK-filter that computes the continuous scatterplot of bivariate volumetric data |
CttkContourAroundPoint | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the contourAroundPoint processing package |
CttkContourForests | TTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.) |
CttkContourTree | TTK filter for the computation of contour trees |
CttkContourTreeAlignment | TTK VTK-filter that computes an alignment for a multiblock of contourtrees |
CttkCustomInteractor | |
CttkDataSetInterpolator | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the dataSetInterpolator processing package |
CttkDataSetToTable | TTK VTK-filter that creates a vtkTable from a vtkDataSet |
CttkDepthImageBasedGeometryApproximation | TTK VTK-filter that approximates the geometry that is depicted by a set of depth images |
CttkDimensionReduction | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::DimensionReduction processing package |
CttkDiscreteGradient | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the discreteGradient processing package |
CttkDistanceField | TTK VTK-filter for distance field computations |
CttkDistanceMatrixDistortion | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::DistanceMatrixDistortion module |
CttkEigenField | TTK VTK-filter for eigenfunctions computation |
CttkEndFor | TTK VTK-filter that requests data as long as it is available |
CttkExtract | TTK VTK-filter that provides multiple methods to extract subsets of an input data object based on a logical expression |
CttkFiber | TTK VTK-filter for fiber computation on bivariate volumetric data |
CttkFiberSurface | TTK VTK-filter that computes fiber surfaces |
CttkFlattenMultiBlock | TTK processing package for flattening the top-level hierarchy of a tree vtkMultiBlockDataSet structure |
CttkForEach | TTK VTK-filter that works in conjunction with the ttkEndFor filter to iterate over blocks, rows, array values, and arrays |
CttkGaussianPointCloud | TTK VTK-filter that generates a 1D, 2D or 3D point cloud by randomly casting samples from a Gaussian distribution |
CttkGeometrySmoother | TTK VTK-filter for geometry smoothing |
CttkGridLayout | TTK VTK-filter that arranges vtkDataSets on a grid |
CttkHarmonicField | TTK VTK-filter for harmonic field computations |
CttkHelloWorld | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::HelloWorld module |
CttkIcosphere | |
CttkIcosphereFromObject | |
CttkIcospheresFromPoints | |
CttkIdentifierRandomizer | TTK VTK-filter that randomly shuffles segmentation identifiers |
CttkIdentifiers | TTK VTK-filter that triggers the computation of global identifiers |
CttkIdentifyByScalarField | TTK VTK-filter that computes a new scalar array based on a sorting of the input array |
CttkImportEmbeddingFromTable | TTK VTK-filter that embeds a vtkPointSet with the data of a vtkTable |
CttkIntegralLines | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of edge-based integral lines of the gradient of an input scalar field |
CttkJacobiSet | TTK VTK-filter that computes the Jacobi set of a bivariate volumetric data-set |
CttkKeyHandler | |
CttkLDistance | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the lDistance processing package |
CttkLDistanceMatrix | Computes a distance matrix using LDistance between several input datasets with the same number of points |
CttkMandatoryCriticalPoints | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of mandatory critical points in uncertain scalar data |
CttkManifoldCheck | TTK VTK-filter for manifold checks |
CttkMarchingTetrahedra | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MarchingTetrahedra module |
CttkMatrixToHeatMap | Generates a Heat Map from a Distance Matrix stored into a vtkTable |
CttkMergeBlockTables | TTK processing package for merging vtkTables from a vtkMultiBlockDataSet |
CttkMergeTree | TTK filter for the computation of merge trees |
CttkMergeTreeAutoencoder | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeAutoencoder module |
CttkMergeTreeAutoencoderDecoding | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeAutoencoderDecoding module |
CttkMergeTreeAutoencoderUtils | |
CttkMergeTreeBase | |
CttkMergeTreeClustering | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeClustering module |
CttkMergeTreeDistanceMatrix | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeDistanceMatrix module |
CttkMergeTreePrincipalGeodesics | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreePrincipalGeodesics module |
CttkMergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecoding | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecoding module |
CttkMergeTreeTemporalReduction | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeTemporalReduction module |
CttkMergeTreeTemporalReductionDecoding | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeTemporalReductionDecoding module |
CttkMergeTreeTemporalReductionUtils | |
CttkMergeTreeUtils | |
CttkMergeTreeVisualization | |
CttkMeshGraph | TTK VTK-filter that generates a mesh for a graph |
CttkMeshSubdivision | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of mesh subdivisions (without vertex displacement) |
CttkMetricDistortion | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MetricDistortion module |
CttkMorphologicalOperators | TTK VTK-filter that dilates or erodes a specified vertex label |
CttkMorseSmaleComplex | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the morseSmaleComplex processing package |
CttkMorseSmaleQuadrangulation | TTK VTK-filter for surface quadrangulation |
CttkOBJWriter | TtkOBJWriter - Object File Format Writer |
CttkOFFReader | TtkOFFReader - Object File Format Reader |
CttkOFFWriter | TtkOFFWriter - Object File Format Writer |
CttkOnDeleteCommand | |
CttkPathCompression | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::PathCompression module |
CttkPeriodicGhostsGeneration | TTK VTK-filter that generates an outside ghost layer for periodic implicit grids when used in a distributed context |
CttkPersistenceCurve | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistence curves |
CttkPersistenceDiagram | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistence diagrams |
CttkPersistenceDiagramApproximation | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of an approximation of a persistence diagram |
CttkPersistenceDiagramClustering | TTK processing package for the computation of Wasserstein barycenters and K-Means clusterings of a set of persistence diagrams |
CttkPersistenceDiagramDistanceMatrix | TTK processing package for the computation of a matrix of Wasserstein distances between persistence diagrams |
CttkPersistentGenerators | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistent generators |
CttkPlanarGraphLayout | TTK VTK-filter that computes a planar graph layout |
CttkPointDataConverter | TTK VTK-filter that converts data types for point-based scalar fields (for instance, from double to float) |
CttkPointDataSelector | TTK VTK-filter that selects scalar fields on input with shallow copy |
CttkPointMerger | TTK VTK-filter for point merging |
CttkPointSetToCurve | TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database |
CttkPointSetToSurface | TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database |
CttkProgramBase | Base VTK editor class for standalone programs. This class parses the the command line, execute the TTK module and takes care of the IO |
CttkProjectionFromField | TTK VTK-filter which projects a data-set to 2D given two point-data scalar fields to be used as 2D coordinates |
CttkProjectionFromTable | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::ProjectionFromTable module |
CttkQuadrangulationSubdivision | TTK VTK-filter for surface quadrangulation |
CttkRangePolygon | TTK VTK-filter which produces a valid range polygon for fiber surface extraction |
CttkReebGraph | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of Reeb Graphs |
CttkReebSpace | TTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the Reeb space of bivariate volumetric data |
CttkRipsComplex | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::RipsComplex processing package |
CttkRipsPersistenceDiagram | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::RipsPersistenceDiagram module |
CttkScalarFieldCriticalPoints | TTK VTK-filter for the computation of critical points in PL scalar fields defined on PL manifolds |
CttkScalarFieldNormalizer | TTK VTK-filter that normalizes an input scalar field |
CttkScalarFieldSmoother | TTK VTK-filter for scalar field smoothing |
CttkSignedDistanceField | This filter computes a signed distance field given a surface in input |
CttkSphereFromPoint | TTK VTK-filter that produces sphere-only glyphs |
CttkStableManifoldPersistence | TTK VTK-filter for attaching to an input stable manifold (given by the Morse-Smale complex module) its persistence (given by the persistence diagram) |
CttkStringArrayConverter | TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database |
CttkSurfaceGeometrySmoother | TTK VTK-filter for smoothing meshes on surfaces |
CttkTableDataSelector | TTK VTK-filter that selects scalar fields on input with shallow copy |
CttkTableDistanceMatrix | Computes a distance matrix using LDistance from a vtkTable |
CttkTextureMapFromField | TTK VTK-filter which generates a texture map from one or two point data scalar fields |
CttkTopologicalCompression | |
CttkTopologicalCompressionReader | VTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompressionWriter processing package |
CttkTopologicalCompressionWriter | VTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompressionWriter processing package |
CttkTopologicalSimplification | TTK VTK-filter for the topological simplification of scalar data |
CttkTopologicalSimplificationByPersistence | TTK VTK-filter that computes a persistence-based simplification of a scalar field |
CttkTrackingFromFields | TTK VTK-filter that takes an input time-varying data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes a tracking mesh |
CttkTrackingFromOverlap | TTK VTK-filter that computes the overlap between labeled vtkPointSets |
CttkTrackingFromPersistenceDiagrams | |
CttkTriangulationFactory | |
CttkTriangulationManager | TTK VTK-filter that manages ttk::Triangulation options |
CttkTriangulationReader | TTK VTK-filter that reads a TTK Triangulation file |
CttkTriangulationRequest | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the triangulation processing package |
CttkTriangulationWriter | TtkTriangulationWriter - Explicit Triangulation Writer |
CttkUncertainDataEstimator | TTK VTK-filter that takes an input ensemble data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes various vertexwise statistics (PDF estimation, bounds, moments, etc.) |
CttkUserInterfaceBase | Interactions and rendering |
CttkUtils | TTK Util Functions |
CttkWebSocketIO | |
CttkWRLExporter | TTK helper that fixes a few bugs in the texture support for the VRML export |
Cunion_find | |
CvtkProgram | |
CvtkSmartPointer | |
CvtkTopologicalCompression | TTK VTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompression processing package |
CvtkUserInterface | |