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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Cttk::cta::AlignmentEdgeBasic data structure for an edge of an unrooted alignment tree
 Cttk::cta::AlignmentNodeBasic data structure for a node of an unrooted alignment tree
 Cttk::cta::AlignmentTreeBasic tree data structure for an alignment of two rooted binary trees
 Cttk::ArrayLinkedList< datatype, size >This class describes a dynamic size data structure for thread safe computation. It is a linked list of arrays that also stores the current number of elements. Its key feature is that the addition of an element will never cause the moving of the data structure in memory, unlike an std::vector, making the access to an element thread safe even if another thread is adding elements
 CAtomicUFTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 Cttk::ftr::AtomicUFUnion find compliant with parallel find and maintaining the current local propagation inspired by ttk::UnionFind
 Cttk::BaseClassTTK base package
 Cttk::cta::BinaryTreeBasic tree data structure for a rooted contour tree of degree 2 and rooted contour tree alignments of degree 2
 Cttk::BoundingVolumeHierarchy< IT >Acceleration structure for native ray tracer. Based on implementation described in Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob and Greg Humphreys
 Cttk::ExTreeM::BranchA branch consists of the saddle vertices lying on the branch, and the parentbranch from which it splits / joins
 Cttk::CellArrayCellArray generic array of cells
 Ccompressed_distance_matrix< Layout >
 Ccompressed_sparse_matrix< ValueType >
 CContourForestsTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CContourForestsTreeTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 Cttk::cta::ContourTreeContour Tree Data Structure for an unrooted contour tree of unbounded degree for internal use from the ttk:ContourTreeAlignment module
 Cttk::criticalPointPairComparisonComparison between critical point pairs ( (Extremum,Saddle), dist(M,S) )
 Cttk::CriticalVertexCritical Vertex
 Cttk::cta::CTEdgeBasic data structure for an edge of an unrooted contour tree
 Cttk::cta::CTNodeBasic data structure for a node of an unrooted contour tree
 CDataTypesTTK base package defining the standard types
 CDataTypesTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CDataTypesTTK DataType management for the reeb graph
 Cttk::DynamicTreeImplements the Dynamic Tree data-structure (or ST-Tree)
 Cttk::ftr::DynGraphNode< Type >Class representing a node of a tree and the link to its parent if not the root
 Cttk::DynTreeNodeClass representing a node of a tree and the link to its parent if not the root
 CExtendedUnionFindTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 Cttk::FlatJaggedArrayReplacement for std::vector<std::vector<SimplexId>>
 CFTMTreeTTK processing package that deal with segmentation
 CFTMTree_CTTTK processing package that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.)
 CFTMTree_MTTTK container representing a node of the FTMTree_MT
 CFTMTreePPTTK processing package that add persistence pairs features
 Cttk::DiscreteMorseSandwich::GeneratorTypeType for exporting persistent generators
 Cgreater_diameter_or_smaller_index< Entry >
 Cttk::intgl::IntegralLineStruct containing the data of an integral line. trajectories: vector of identifiers of each vertex the integral line passes on distanceFromSeed: distance of each vertex for the integral line from the seed localVertexIdentifiers: vector of local vertex ids. It represents the number of the vertex in the integral line. seedIdentifier: identifier of the seed of the integral line forkIdentifier: identifier of the last fork the integral line encountered
 Cttk::KDTree< dataType, Container >TTK KD-Tree
 CLocCell< n >
 Cttk::LockRAII wrapper around OpenMP lock
 Cttk::LRUCache< KeyType, ValueType >LRU cache implementation
 Cttk::LRUCache< gradientKeyType, gradientType >
 Cttk::mandatorySaddleComparisonComparison between mandatory saddles (Saddle id, Number of merged extrema)
 Cttk::ftm::MergeTree< dataType >
 CMergeTreeTTK container representing a node of the MergeTree
 Cttk::ftm::MergeTree< double >
 Cttk::BoundingVolumeHierarchy< IT >::Node
 Cttk::ftr::NodeTTK FTRGraph node of the Graph
 Cttk::MorseSmaleComplex::Output1Separatrices1-Separatrices point and cell data arrays
 Cttk::MorseSmaleComplex::Output2Separatrices2-Separatrices point and cell data arrays
 Cttk::MorseSmaleComplex::OutputCriticalPointsCritical points data arrays
 Cttk::MorseSmaleComplex::OutputManifoldPointers to pre-allocated segmentation point data arrays
 Cttk::PathCompression::OutputSegmentationPointers to pre-allocated segmentation point data arrays
 Cttk::pairComparisonComparison of the second member of a std::pair<int,double>
 Cttk::DiscreteMorseSandwich::PersistencePairPersistence pair struct as exported by DiscreteGradient
 Cttk::PersistencePairPersistence Pair
 Cttk::Geometry::ProjectionInputStores the findProjection() input
 Cttk::Geometry::ProjectionResultStores the findProjection() result
 Cttk::ftr::PropagationTTK fTRGraph propagation management with Fibonacci heaps
 Cttk::lts::Propagation< IT >Superlevel Set Component Propagation
 Cttk::RayData structure for a ray
 CRipser< DistanceMatrix >
 Cttk::ftr::SegmentTTK processing package that deal with segmentation of an arc in the Reeb Graph
 Cttk::DiscreteMorseSandwich::Simplex< n >Ad-hoc struct for sorting simplices
 Cttk::DiscreteMorseSandwich::Simplex< 2 >
 Cttk::DiscreteMorseSandwich::Simplex< 3 >
 Cttk::DiscreteMorseSandwich::Simplex< 4 >
 CRipser< DistanceMatrix >::simplex_coboundary_enumerator
 Cttk::ftr::TasksTTK FTRGraph tasks management tools
 Cttk::cta::TreeBasic tree data structure for a rooted contour tree of unbounded degree
 Cttk::BoundingVolumeHierarchy< IT >::Triangle
 CttkUtilsTTK Util Functions
 CttkWRLExporterTTK helper that fixes a few bugs in the texture support for the VRML export
 Cttk::ftr::Vert< ScalarType >
 Cttk::VisitedMaskAuto-cleaning re-usable graph propagations data structure
 CvtkSmartPointer< T >
 CvtkSmartPointer< ttkCustomInteractor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< ttkModule >
 CvtkSmartPointer< ttkSimplexIdTypeArray >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkCharArray >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArraySelection >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkDataObject >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkDoubleArray >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkIntArray >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkMultiBlockDataSet >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkPNGReader >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkTexture >
 CvtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid >
 CvtkTopologicalCompressionTTK VTK-filter that wraps the topologicalCompression processing package