70 = std::numeric_limits<idSuperArc>::max();
71 static const idNode nullNode = std::numeric_limits<idNode>::max();
72 static const idVertex nullVertex = std::numeric_limits<idVertex>::max();
73 static const idEdge nullEdge = std::numeric_limits<idEdge>::max();
74 static const idCell nullCell = std::numeric_limits<idCell>::max();
76 = std::numeric_limits<idPropagation>::max();
78 = std::numeric_limits<idSegmentation>::max();
80 static const linkEdge nullLink = std::make_pair(nullEdge, nullEdge);
std::tuple< idVertex, idVertex > orderedEdge
Edge represented by its 2 vertices, lower then upper.
std::function< bool(const idVertex, const idVertex)> VertCompFN
std::tuple< idEdge, idEdge, idEdge > orderedTriangle
Triangle represented by its 3 edges Edges are sorted by their starting vertex (see orderedEdge)
position of a vertex in a triangle
SimplexId idCell
Cell index in vect_cellList_.
std::function< bool(const linkEdge &, const linkEdge &)> LinkCompFN
long int idSegmentation
retains history
idNode idPropagation
for task identifiers
std::function< bool(const idEdge, const idEdge)> EdgeCompFN
long unsigned int idSuperArc
SuperArc index in vect_superArcs_.
SimplexId valence
for vertex up/down valence
SimplexId idVertex
Vertex index in scalars_.
SimplexId idEdge
Edge index in vect_edgeList_.
unsigned int idNode
Node index in vect_nodes_.
std::pair< idEdge, idEdge > linkEdge
int SimplexId
Identifier type for simplices of any dimension.