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Classes | Functions
ttk::Geometry Namespace Reference


struct  ProjectionInput
 Stores the findProjection() input. More...
struct  ProjectionResult
 Stores the findProjection() result. More...


template<typename T >
angle (const T *vA0, const T *vA1, const T *vB0, const T *vB1)
template<typename T >
angle2D (const T *vA0, const T *vA1, const T *vB0, const T *vB1)
template<typename T >
double angle2DUndirected (const T *vA, const T *vB, const T *vC)
template<typename T >
bool areVectorsColinear (const T *vA0, const T *vA1, const T *vB0, const T *vB1, std::array< T, 3 > *coefficients=nullptr, const T *tolerance=NULL)
template<typename T >
bool isTriangleColinear2D (const T *pptA, const T *pptB, const T *pptC, const T tolerance)
template<typename T >
int computeBarycentricCoordinates (const T *p0, const T *p1, const T *p, std::array< T, 2 > &baryCentrics, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
int computeBarycentricCoordinates (const T *p0, const T *p1, const T *p2, const T *p, std::array< T, 3 > &baryCentrics)
template<typename T >
bool computeSegmentIntersection (const T &xA, const T &yA, const T &xB, const T &yB, const T &xC, const T &yC, const T &xD, const T &yD, T &x, T &y)
template<typename T >
int computeTriangleAngles (const T *p0, const T *p1, const T *p2, std::array< T, 3 > &angles)
template<typename T >
int computeTriangleAngleFromSides (const T s0, const T s1, const T s2, T &angle)
template<typename T >
int computeTriangleArea (const T *p0, const T *p1, const T *p2, T &area)
template<typename T >
int computeTriangleAreaFromSides (const T s0, const T s1, const T s2, T &area)
template<typename T >
int crossProduct (const T *vA0, const T *vA1, const T *vB0, const T *vB1, std::array< T, 3 > &crossProduct)
template<typename T >
int crossProduct (const T *vA, const T *vB, T *crossProduct)
template<typename T >
distance (const T *p0, const T *p1, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
distance (const std::vector< T > &p0, const std::vector< T > &p1)
template<typename T >
distance2D (const T *p0, const T *p1)
template<typename T >
distanceFlatten (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &p0, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &p1)
template<typename T >
dotProduct (const T *vA0, const T *vA1, const T *vB0, const T *vB1)
template<typename T >
dotProduct (const T *vA, const T *vB, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
dotProduct (const std::vector< T > &vA, const std::vector< T > &vB)
template<typename T >
dotProductFlatten (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &vA, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &vB)
template<typename T , typename Container , size_t dim>
int getBoundingBox (const Container &points, std::array< std::pair< T, T >, dim > &bBox)
template<typename T >
bool isPointInTriangle (const T *p0, const T *p1, const T *p2, const T *p)
template<typename T >
bool isPointOnSegment (const T &x, const T &y, const T &xA, const T &yA, const T &xB, const T &yB)
template<typename T >
bool isPointOnSegment (const T *p, const T *pA, const T *pB, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
bool isTriangleColinear (const T *p0, const T *p1, const T *p2, const T *tolerance=nullptr)
template<typename T >
magnitude (const T *v, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
magnitude (const std::vector< T > &v)
template<typename T >
magnitudeFlatten (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &v)
template<typename T >
magnitude (const T *o, const T *d)
template<typename T >
powInt (const T val, const int n)
template<typename T = double>
powIntTen (const int n)
 Compute the nth power of ten.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
T1 pow (const T1 val, const T2 n)
template<typename T >
void projectOnTrianglePlane (const T *p, const T *a, const T *normTri, T *out)
 Compute euclidean projection in a triangle plane.
template<typename T >
void projectOnEdge (const T *p, const T *a, const T *b, T *out)
 Compute euclidean projection on a 3D segment.
template<typename T >
void computeTriangleNormal (const T *a, const T *b, const T *c, T *out)
 Compute normal vector to triangle.
template<typename T , typename triangulationType >
SimplexId getNearestSurfaceVertex (const T *pa, std::vector< T > &dists, const triangulationType &triangulation)
 Find nearest vertex on the surface.
template<typename T >
int subtractVectors (const T *a, const T *b, T *out, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
int subtractVectors (const std::vector< T > &a, const std::vector< T > &b, std::vector< T > &out)
template<typename T >
int addVectors (const T *a, const T *b, T *out, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
int addVectors (const std::vector< T > &a, const std::vector< T > &b, std::vector< T > &out)
template<typename T >
int multiAddVectors (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &b, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
int multiAddVectorsFlatten (const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > &a, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > &b, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
int scaleVector (const T *a, const T factor, T *out, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
int scaleVector (const std::vector< T > &a, const T factor, std::vector< T > &out)
template<typename T >
int vectorProjection (const T *a, const T *b, T *out, const int &dimension=3)
template<typename T >
int vectorProjection (const std::vector< T > &a, const std::vector< T > &b, std::vector< T > &out)
template<typename T >
void addVectorsProjection (const std::vector< T > &a, const std::vector< T > &b, std::vector< T > &a_out, std::vector< T > &b_out)
template<typename T >
void gramSchmidt (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
bool isVectorUniform (const std::vector< T > &a)
template<typename T >
bool isVectorNull (const std::vector< T > &a)
template<typename T >
bool isVectorNullFlatten (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a)
template<typename T >
int flattenMultiDimensionalVector (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, std::vector< T > &out)
template<typename T >
int multiFlattenMultiDimensionalVector (const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > &a, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
int unflattenMultiDimensionalVector (const std::vector< T > &a, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out, const int &no_columns=2)
template<typename T >
void matrixMultiplication (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &b, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
void subtractMatrices (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &b, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
void addMatrices (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &b, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
void scaleMatrix (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, const T factor, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename T >
void transposeMatrix (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &a, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &out)
template<typename triangulationType >
std::array< float, 3 > computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint (const SimplexId a, const triangulationType &triangulation)
 Compute (mean) surface normal at given surface vertex.
template<typename triangulationType0 , typename triangulationType1 >
ProjectionResult findProjection (const ProjectionInput &pi, VisitedMask &trianglesTested, std::vector< float > &dists, std::stack< SimplexId > &trianglesToTest, const bool reverseProjection, const triangulationType0 &triangulationToSmooth, const triangulationType1 &triangulation)

Function Documentation

◆ addMatrices()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::addMatrices ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  b,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Computes the element wise addition of two matrices

athe first matrix
bthe second matrix
outthe resulting matrix

Definition at line 798 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ addVectors() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::addVectors ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const std::vector< T > &  b,
std::vector< T > &  out 

Computes the addition of two vectors.

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
outthe addition between the two vectors
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 617 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ addVectors() [2/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::addVectors ( const T *  a,
const T *  b,
T *  out,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Computes the addition of two vectors.

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
outthe addition between the two vectors
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 610 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ addVectorsProjection()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::addVectorsProjection ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const std::vector< T > &  b,
std::vector< T > &  a_out,
std::vector< T > &  b_out 

Adds two vectors and project them into it

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
a_outthe projection of a
b_outthe projection of b

Definition at line 690 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ angle()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::angle ( const T *  vA0,
const T *  vA1,
const T *  vB0,
const T *  vB1 

Compute the angle between two std::vectors

vA0xyz coordinates of vA's origin
vA1xyz coordinates of vA's destination
vB0xyz coordinates of vB's origin
vB1xyz coordinates of vB's destination

Definition at line 13 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ angle2D()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::angle2D ( const T *  vA0,
const T *  vA1,
const T *  vB0,
const T *  vB1 

Definition at line 20 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ angle2DUndirected()

template<typename T >
double ttk::Geometry::angle2DUndirected ( const T *  vA,
const T *  vB,
const T *  vC 

Definition at line 33 of file Geometry.h.

◆ areVectorsColinear()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::areVectorsColinear ( const T *  vA0,
const T *  vA1,
const T *  vB0,
const T *  vB1,
std::array< T, 3 > *  coefficients = nullptr,
const T *  tolerance = NULL 

Check if two 3D std::vectors vA and vB are colinear.

vA0xyz coordinates of vA's origin
vA1xyz coordinates of vA's destination
vB0xyz coordinates of vB's origin
vB1xyz coordinates of vB's destination
coefficientsOptional output std::array of colinearity coefficients.
toleranceOptional tolerance value (default: PREC_FLT)
Returns true if the std::vectors are colinear, false otherwise.

Definition at line 27 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeBarycentricCoordinates() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::computeBarycentricCoordinates ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const T *  p,
std::array< T, 2 > &  baryCentrics,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Compute the barycentric coordinates of point p with regard to the edge defined by the 3D points p0 and p1.

p0xyz coordinates of the first vertex of the edge
p1xyz coordinates of the second vertex of the edge
pxyz coordinates of the queried point
baryCentricsOutput barycentric coordinates (all in [0, 1] if p belongs to the edge).
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 142 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeBarycentricCoordinates() [2/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::computeBarycentricCoordinates ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const T *  p2,
const T *  p,
std::array< T, 3 > &  baryCentrics 

Compute the barycentric coordinates of point p with regard to the triangle defined by the 3D points p0, p1, and p2.

p0xyz coordinates of the first vertex of the triangle
p1xyz coordinates of the second vertex of the triangle
p2xyz coordinates of the third vertex of the triangle
pxyz coordinates of the queried point
baryCentricsOutput barycentric coordinates (all in [0, 1] if p belongs to the triangle).
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 190 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeSegmentIntersection()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::computeSegmentIntersection ( const T &  xA,
const T &  yA,
const T &  xB,
const T &  yB,
const T &  xC,
const T &  yC,
const T &  xD,
const T &  yD,
T &  x,
T &  y 

Compute the intersection between two 2D segments AB and CD.

xAx coordinate of the first vertex of the first segment (AB)
yAy coordinate of the first vertex of the first segment (AB)
xBx coordinate of the second vertex of the first segment (AB)
yBy coordinate of the second vertex of the first segment (AB)
xCx coordinate of the first vertex of the second segment (CD)
yCy coordinate of the first vertex of the second segment (CD)
xDx coordinate of the second vertex of the second segment (CD)
yDy coordinate of the second vertex of the second segment (CD)
xx coordinate of the output intersection (if any).
yy coordinate of the output intersection (if any).
Returns true if the segments intersect (false otherwise).

Definition at line 248 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint()

template<typename triangulationType >
std::array< float, 3 > ttk::Geometry::computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint ( const SimplexId  a,
const triangulationType &  triangulation 

Compute (mean) surface normal at given surface vertex.

[in]aSurface vertex id
Mean of surface normals in star of a

Definition at line 754 of file Geometry.h.

◆ computeTriangleAngleFromSides()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::computeTriangleAngleFromSides ( const T  s0,
const T  s1,
const T  s2,
T &  angle 
s0length of the first side of the triangle
s1length of the second side of the triangle
s2length of the third side of the triangle
angleAngle opposite to edge s2
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 321 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeTriangleAngles()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::computeTriangleAngles ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const T *  p2,
std::array< T, 3 > &  angles 

Compute the angles of a triangle

p0xyz coordinates of the first vertex of the triangle
p1xyz coordinates of the second vertex of the triangle
p2xyz coordinates of the third vertex of the triangle
anglesAngles (p0p1, p1p2) (p1p2, p2p0) (p2p0, p0p1)

Definition at line 308 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeTriangleArea()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::computeTriangleArea ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const T *  p2,
T &  area 

Compute the area of a 3D triangle.

p0xyz coordinates of the first vertex of the triangle
p1xyz coordinates of the second vertex of the triangle
p2xyz coordinates of the third vertex of the triangle
areaOutput area.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 281 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeTriangleAreaFromSides()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::computeTriangleAreaFromSides ( const T  s0,
const T  s1,
const T  s2,
T &  area 

Compute the area of a triangle given length of its sides

s0length of the first side of the triangle
s1length of the second side of the triangle
s2length of the third side of the triangle
areaOutput area.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 296 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ computeTriangleNormal()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::computeTriangleNormal ( const T *  a,
const T *  b,
const T *  c,
T *  out 

Compute normal vector to triangle.

[in]aFirst triangle vertex coordinates
[in]bSecond triangle vertex coordinates
[in]cThird triangle vertex coordinates
Triangle unitary normal

Definition at line 564 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ crossProduct() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::crossProduct ( const T *  vA,
const T *  vB,
T *  crossProduct 

Compute the cross product of two 3D std::vectors

vAxyz coordinates of vA std::vector
vBxyz coordinates of vB std::vector
crossProductOutput cross product.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 354 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ crossProduct() [2/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::crossProduct ( const T *  vA0,
const T *  vA1,
const T *  vB0,
const T *  vB1,
std::array< T, 3 > &  crossProduct 

Compute the cross product of two 3D std::vectors

vA0xyz coordinates of vA's origin
vA1xyz coordinates of vA's destination
vB0xyz coordinates of vB's origin
vB1xyz coordinates of vB's destination
crossProductOutput cross product.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 332 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ distance() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::distance ( const std::vector< T > &  p0,
const std::vector< T > &  p1 

Compute the Euclidean distance between two points

p0xyz coordinates of the first input point.
p1xyz coordinates of the second input point.

Definition at line 374 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ distance() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::distance ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Compute the Euclidean distance between two points

p0xyz coordinates of the first input point.
p1xyz coordinates of the second input point.
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).

Definition at line 362 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ distance2D()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::distance2D ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1 

Definition at line 200 of file Geometry.h.

◆ distanceFlatten()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::distanceFlatten ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  p0,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  p1 

Compute the Euclidean distance between two vectors by first flattening them

p0xyz coordinates of the first input point.
p1xyz coordinates of the second input point.

Definition at line 379 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ dotProduct() [1/3]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::dotProduct ( const std::vector< T > &  vA,
const std::vector< T > &  vB 

Compute the dot product of two std::vectors

vAcoordinates of vA std::vector
vBcoordinates of vB std::vector
Returns Output dot product

Definition at line 407 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ dotProduct() [2/3]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::dotProduct ( const T *  vA,
const T *  vB,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Compute the dot product of two std::vectors

vAcoordinates of vA std::vector
vBcoordinates of vB std::vector
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns Output dot product

Definition at line 399 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ dotProduct() [3/3]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::dotProduct ( const T *  vA0,
const T *  vA1,
const T *  vB0,
const T *  vB1 

Compute the dot product of two 3D std::vectors

vA0xyz coordinates of vA's origin
vA1xyz coordinates of vA's destination
vB0xyz coordinates of vB's origin
vB1xyz coordinates of vB's destination
Returns Output dot product

Definition at line 388 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ dotProductFlatten()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::dotProductFlatten ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  vA,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  vB 

Compute the dot product of two multi dimensional std::vectors by first flattening them

vAcoordinates of vA std::vector
vBcoordinates of vB std::vector
Returns Output dot product

Definition at line 412 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ findProjection()

template<typename triangulationType0 , typename triangulationType1 >
ProjectionResult ttk::Geometry::findProjection ( const ProjectionInput pi,
VisitedMask trianglesTested,
std::vector< float > &  dists,
std::stack< SimplexId > &  trianglesToTest,
const bool  reverseProjection,
const triangulationType0 &  triangulationToSmooth,
const triangulationType1 &  triangulation 

Definition at line 891 of file Geometry.h.

◆ flattenMultiDimensionalVector()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::flattenMultiDimensionalVector ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
std::vector< T > &  out 

Flatten a multi dimensional vector (representing a rectangular/square matrix)

amulti dimensional vector
outflattened vector
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise

Definition at line 742 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ getBoundingBox()

template<typename T , typename Container , size_t dim>
int ttk::Geometry::getBoundingBox ( const Container &  points,
std::array< std::pair< T, T >, dim > &  bBox 

Compute the bounding box of a point set.

pointsVector of points. Each entry is a std::array<float, dim> whose size is equal to the dimension of the space embedding the points.
bBoxOutput bounding box. The number of entries in this std::array is equal to the dimension of the space embedding the points.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 273 of file Geometry.h.

◆ getNearestSurfaceVertex()

template<typename T , typename triangulationType >
SimplexId ttk::Geometry::getNearestSurfaceVertex ( const T *  pa,
std::vector< T > &  dists,
const triangulationType &  triangulation 

Find nearest vertex on the surface.

[in]paInput point
[in]distsPre-allocated distances vector
[in]triangulationSurface triangulation
Nearest vertex id on the surface

Definition at line 517 of file Geometry.h.

◆ gramSchmidt()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::gramSchmidt ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Computes the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process. That is, given a set of vectors, it returns a set (of same size) of orthogonal vectors spanning the same subspace.

athe set of vectors to orthogonalize
outthe orthogonalized vectors

Definition at line 701 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isPointInTriangle()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isPointInTriangle ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const T *  p2,
const T *  p 

Check if the point p is inside the triangle (p0, p1, p2).

p0xyz coordinates of the first vertex of the triangle
p1xyz coordinates of the second vertex of the triangle
p2xyz coordinates of the third vertex of the triangle
pxyz coordinates of the queried point
Returns true if p is in the triangle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 421 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isPointOnSegment() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isPointOnSegment ( const T &  x,
const T &  y,
const T &  xA,
const T &  yA,
const T &  xB,
const T &  yB 

Check if a 2D point xy lies on a 2D segment AB.

xx coordinate of the input point.
yy coordinate of the input point.
xAx coordinate of the first vertex of the segment [AB]
yAy coordinate of the first vertex of the segment [AB]
xBx coordinate of the second vertex of the segment [AB]
yBy coordinate of the second vertex of the segment [AB]
Returns true if the point lies on the segment, false otherwise.

Definition at line 443 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isPointOnSegment() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isPointOnSegment ( const T *  p,
const T *  pA,
const T *  pB,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Check if a point p lies on a segment AB.

pxyz coordinates of the input point.
pAxyz coordinates of the first vertex of the segment [AB]
pBxyz coordinate of the second vertex of the segment [AB]
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns true if the point lies on the segment, false otherwise.

Definition at line 451 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isTriangleColinear()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isTriangleColinear ( const T *  p0,
const T *  p1,
const T *  p2,
const T *  tolerance = nullptr 

Check if all the edges of a triangle are colinear.

p0xyz coordinates of the first vertex of the triangle.
p1xyz coordinates of the second vertex of the triangle.
p2xyz coordinates of the third vertex of the triangle.
toleranceOptional tolerance value (default: PREC_FLT)
Returns true if all the edges are colinear (false otherwise).

Definition at line 466 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isTriangleColinear2D()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isTriangleColinear2D ( const T *  pptA,
const T *  pptB,
const T *  pptC,
const T  tolerance 

Definition at line 130 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isVectorNull()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isVectorNull ( const std::vector< T > &  a)

Test if the vector is null (have all values almost equal to 0)

acoordinates of the vector.
Returns true if the vector is null, false otherwise

Definition at line 727 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isVectorNullFlatten()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isVectorNullFlatten ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a)

Test if the vector is null (have all values almost equal to 0) after flattening it

acoordinates of the vector.
Returns true if the vector is null, false otherwise

Definition at line 735 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ isVectorUniform()

template<typename T >
bool ttk::Geometry::isVectorUniform ( const std::vector< T > &  a)

Test if the vector have uniform values

acoordinates of the vector.
Returns true if the vector have uniform values, false otherwise

Definition at line 719 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ magnitude() [1/3]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::magnitude ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Compute the magnitude of a std::vector v.

vcoordinates of the input std::vector.
Returns the magnitude upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 514 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ magnitude() [2/3]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::magnitude ( const T *  o,
const T *  d 

Compute the magnitude of a 3D std::vector.

oxyz coordinates of the std::vector's origin
dxyz coordinates of the std::vector's destination

Definition at line 526 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ magnitude() [3/3]

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::magnitude ( const T *  v,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Compute the magnitude of a std::vector v.

vcoordinates of the input std::vector.
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns the magnitude upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 509 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ magnitudeFlatten()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::magnitudeFlatten ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  v)

Compute the magnitude of a multi dimensional std::vector v by first flattening it

vcoordinates of the input std::vector.
Returns the magnitude upon success, negative values otherwise.

Definition at line 519 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ matrixMultiplication()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::matrixMultiplication ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  b,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Computes the matrix multiplication between two matrixes

athe first matrix
bthe second matrix
outthe resulting matrix

Definition at line 777 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ multiAddVectors()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::multiAddVectors ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  b,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Computes the pairwise addition of pairs of two vectors.

acoordinates of the first vectors
bcoordinates of the second vectors
outthe pairwise addition between the vectors

Definition at line 625 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ multiAddVectorsFlatten()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::multiAddVectorsFlatten ( const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > &  a,
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > &  b,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Computes the pairwise addition of pairs of two vectors by first flattening them.

acoordinates of the first vectors
bcoordinates of the second vectors
outthe pairwise addition between the vectors

Definition at line 635 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ multiFlattenMultiDimensionalVector()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::multiFlattenMultiDimensionalVector ( const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > &  a,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Flatten an ensemble of multi dimensional vector (representing a rectangular/square matrix)

amulti dimensional vector
outflattened vector

Definition at line 752 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ pow()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
T1 ttk::Geometry::pow ( const T1  val,
const T2  n 

Compute the power of an arithmetic value (redirect to std::pow with a floating-point exponent and to Geometry::powInt with an integer exponent)

Definition at line 456 of file Geometry.h.

◆ powInt()

template<typename T >
T ttk::Geometry::powInt ( const T  val,
const int  n 

Compute the integer power of a floating-point value (std::pow is optimised for floating-point exponents)

Definition at line 383 of file Geometry.h.

◆ powIntTen()

template<typename T = double>
T ttk::Geometry::powIntTen ( const int  n)

Compute the nth power of ten.

Definition at line 405 of file Geometry.h.

◆ projectOnEdge()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::projectOnEdge ( const T *  p,
const T *  a,
const T *  b,
T *  out 

Compute euclidean projection on a 3D segment.

[in]pPoint to be projected
[in]aFirst segment vertex coordinates
[in]bSecond segment vertex coordinates
Projection coordinates

Definition at line 550 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ projectOnTrianglePlane()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::projectOnTrianglePlane ( const T *  p,
const T *  a,
const T *  normTri,
T *  out 

Compute euclidean projection in a triangle plane.

[in]pPoint to be projected
[in]aTriangle vertex coordinates
[in]normTriTriangle normal vector
Projection coordinates

Definition at line 538 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ scaleMatrix()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::scaleMatrix ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
const T  factor,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Scale a matrix by a scalar value

athe input matrix
factorscale factor
outthe resulting matrix

Definition at line 808 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ scaleVector() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::scaleVector ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const T  factor,
std::vector< T > &  out 

Scale a vector by a scalar value.

acoordinates of the first vector
factorscale factor
outthe scaled vector
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 657 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ scaleVector() [2/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::scaleVector ( const T *  a,
const T  factor,
T *  out,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Scale a vector by a scalar value.

acoordinates of the first vector
factorscale factor
outthe scaled vector
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 647 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ subtractMatrices()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::subtractMatrices ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  b,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Computes the element wise subtraction of two matrices (b subtracted by a)

athe first matrix
bthe second matrix
outthe resulting matrix

Definition at line 788 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ subtractVectors() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::subtractVectors ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const std::vector< T > &  b,
std::vector< T > &  out 

Computes the difference between two vectors (b subtracted by a).

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
outthe difference between the two vectors
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 602 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ subtractVectors() [2/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::subtractVectors ( const T *  a,
const T *  b,
T *  out,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Computes the difference between two vectors (b subtracted by a).

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
outthe difference between the two vectors
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 592 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ transposeMatrix()

template<typename T >
void ttk::Geometry::transposeMatrix ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  a,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out 

Transpose a matrix

athe input matrix
outthe resulting matrix

Definition at line 818 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ unflattenMultiDimensionalVector()

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::unflattenMultiDimensionalVector ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  out,
const int &  no_columns = 2 

Unflatten a vector to a multi dimensional vector (representing a rectangular/square matrix)

outmulti dimensional vector
no_columnsnumber of columns of the output multi dimensional vector
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise

Definition at line 762 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ vectorProjection() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::vectorProjection ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const std::vector< T > &  b,
std::vector< T > &  out 

Computes the projection of vector a onto the vector b

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
outthe projected vector
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 682 of file Geometry.cpp.

◆ vectorProjection() [2/2]

template<typename T >
int ttk::Geometry::vectorProjection ( const T *  a,
const T *  b,
T *  out,
const int &  dimension = 3 

Computes the projection of vector a onto the vector b

acoordinates of the first vector
bcoordinates of the second vector
outthe projected vector
dimensionOptional parameter that specifies the dimension of the point set (by default 3).
Returns 0 for success, negative otherwise.

Definition at line 665 of file Geometry.cpp.