No Matches
Public Member Functions | List of all members
ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived > Class Template Reference

#include <PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.h>

Inheritance diagram for ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >:
ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulation ttk::RegularGridTriangulation ttk::AbstractTriangulation ttk::Wrapper ttk::Debug ttk::BaseClass

Public Member Functions

int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexNeighbor (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &localNeighborId, SimplexId &neighborId) const override
int getVertexEdgeInternal (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &id, SimplexId &edgeId) const override
int getVertexTriangleInternal (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &id, SimplexId &triangleId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexLink (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &localLinkId, SimplexId &linkId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexStar (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &localStarId, SimplexId &starId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexPoint (const SimplexId &vertexId, float &x, float &y, float &z) const override
int getEdgeVertexInternal (const SimplexId &edgeId, const int &localVertexId, SimplexId &vertexId) const override
SimplexId getEdgeTriangleNumberInternal (const SimplexId &edgeId) const override
int getEdgeTriangleInternal (const SimplexId &edgeId, const int &id, SimplexId &triangleId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdgeLink (const SimplexId &edgeId, const int &localLinkId, SimplexId &linkId) const override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdgeStarNumber (const SimplexId &edgeId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdgeStar (const SimplexId &edgeId, const int &localStarId, SimplexId &starId) const override
int getTriangleVertexInternal (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &localVertexId, SimplexId &vertexId) const override
int getTriangleEdgeInternal (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &id, SimplexId &edgeId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangleLink (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &localLinkId, SimplexId &linkId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangleStar (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &localStarId, SimplexId &starId) const override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangleStarNumber (const SimplexId &triangleId) const override
int getTriangleNeighbor (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &localNeighborId, SimplexId &neighborId) const override
int getTetrahedronVertex (const SimplexId &tetId, const int &localVertexId, SimplexId &vertexId) const override
int getTetrahedronEdge (const SimplexId &tetId, const int &id, SimplexId &edgeId) const override
int getTetrahedronTriangle (const SimplexId &tetId, const int &id, SimplexId &triangleId) const override
int getTetrahedronNeighbor (const SimplexId &tetId, const int &localNeighborId, SimplexId &neighborId) const override
virtual int getEdgeIncenter (SimplexId edgeId, float incenter[3]) const
virtual int getTriangleIncenter (SimplexId triangleId, float incenter[3]) const
virtual int getTetraIncenter (SimplexId tetraId, float incenter[3]) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulation
 PeriodicImplicitTriangulation ()
 ~PeriodicImplicitTriangulation () override
 PeriodicImplicitTriangulation (const PeriodicImplicitTriangulation &)=default
 PeriodicImplicitTriangulation (PeriodicImplicitTriangulation &&)=default
PeriodicImplicitTriangulationoperator= (const PeriodicImplicitTriangulation &)=default
PeriodicImplicitTriangulationoperator= (PeriodicImplicitTriangulation &&)=default
int getCellEdgeInternal (const SimplexId &cellId, const int &id, SimplexId &edgeId) const override
SimplexId getCellEdgeNumberInternal (const SimplexId &cellId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getCellEdgesInternal () override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getCellNeighbor (const SimplexId &cellId, const int &localNeighborId, SimplexId &neighborId) const override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getCellNeighborNumber (const SimplexId &cellId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getCellNeighbors () override
int getCellTriangleInternal (const SimplexId &cellId, const int &id, SimplexId &triangleId) const override
SimplexId getCellTriangleNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId)) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getCellTrianglesInternal () override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getCellVertex (const SimplexId &cellId, const int &localVertexId, SimplexId &vertexId) const override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getCellVertexNumber (const SimplexId &cellId) const override
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getDimensionality () const override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdgeLinkNumber (const SimplexId &edgeId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdgeLinks () override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdgeStars () override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getEdgeTrianglesInternal () override
const std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 2 > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getEdges () override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getNumberOfCells () const override
SimplexId getNumberOfEdgesInternal () const override
SimplexId getNumberOfTrianglesInternal () const override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getNumberOfVertices () const override
int getTetrahedronEdges (std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > &edges) const
int getTetrahedronTriangles (std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > &triangles) const
SimplexId getTetrahedronNeighborNumber (const SimplexId &tetId) const
int getTetrahedronNeighbors (std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > &neighbors)
SimplexId getTriangleEdgeNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getTriangleEdgesInternal () override
int getTriangleEdgesInternal (std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > &edges) const
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangleLinkNumber (const SimplexId &triangleId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangleLinks () override
SimplexId getTriangleNeighborNumber (const SimplexId &triangleId) const
int getTriangleNeighbors (std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > &neighbors)
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangleStars () override
const std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 3 > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getTriangles () override
SimplexId getVertexEdgeNumberInternal (const SimplexId &vertexId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexEdgesInternal () override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexLinkNumber (const SimplexId &vertexId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexLinks () override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexNeighborNumber (const SimplexId &vertexId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexNeighbors () override
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexStarNumber (const SimplexId &vertexId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > *TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() getVertexStars () override
SimplexId getVertexTriangleNumberInternal (const SimplexId &vertexId) const override
const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexTrianglesInternal () override
bool TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() isEdgeOnBoundary (const SimplexId &edgeId) const override
bool isEmpty () const override
bool TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() isTriangleOnBoundary (const SimplexId &triangleId) const override
bool TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() isVertexOnBoundary (const SimplexId &vertexId) const override
int setInputGrid (const float &xOrigin, const float &yOrigin, const float &zOrigin, const float &xSpacing, const float &ySpacing, const float &zSpacing, const SimplexId &xDim, const SimplexId &yDim, const SimplexId &zDim) override
const std::array< ttk::SimplexId, 3 > & getGridDimensions () const override
virtual int preconditionVerticesInternal ()=0
int preconditionEdgesInternal () override=0
int preconditionTrianglesInternal () override=0
virtual int preconditionTetrahedronsInternal ()=0
int preconditionCellsInternal ()
int preconditionVerticesAndCells ()
int getCellVTKIDInternal (const int &ttkId, int &vtkId) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::RegularGridTriangulation
 RegularGridTriangulation ()
 ~RegularGridTriangulation () override=default
 RegularGridTriangulation (const RegularGridTriangulation &)=default
 RegularGridTriangulation (RegularGridTriangulation &&)=default
RegularGridTriangulationoperator= (const RegularGridTriangulation &)=default
RegularGridTriangulationoperator= (RegularGridTriangulation &&)=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::AbstractTriangulation
 AbstractTriangulation ()
 ~AbstractTriangulation () override
 AbstractTriangulation (const AbstractTriangulation &)=default
 AbstractTriangulation (AbstractTriangulation &&)=default
AbstractTriangulationoperator= (const AbstractTriangulation &)=default
AbstractTriangulationoperator= (AbstractTriangulation &&)=default
int clear ()
size_t footprint (size_t size=0) const
virtual int getCellEdge (const SimplexId &cellId, const int &localEdgeId, SimplexId &edgeId) const
virtual SimplexId getCellEdgeNumber (const SimplexId &cellId) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getCellEdges ()
virtual int getCellTriangle (const SimplexId &cellId, const int &localTriangleId, SimplexId &triangleId) const
virtual SimplexId getCellTriangleNumber (const SimplexId &cellId) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getCellTriangles ()
virtual int getEdgeTriangle (const SimplexId &edgeId, const int &localTriangleId, SimplexId &triangleId) const
virtual SimplexId getEdgeTriangleNumber (const SimplexId &edgeId) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getEdgeTriangles ()
virtual int getEdgeVertex (const SimplexId &edgeId, const int &localVertexId, SimplexId &vertexId) const
int getEdgeVertexNumber (const SimplexId ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual SimplexId getNumberOfEdges () const
virtual SimplexId getNumberOfTriangles () const
virtual int getTriangleEdge (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &localEdgeId, SimplexId &edgeId) const
virtual SimplexId getTriangleEdgeNumber (const SimplexId &triangleId) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getTriangleEdges ()
virtual int getTriangleVertex (const SimplexId &triangleId, const int &localVertexId, SimplexId &vertexId) const
int getTriangleVertexNumber (const SimplexId ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual int getVertexEdge (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &localEdgeId, SimplexId &edgeId) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexEdgeNumber (const SimplexId &vertexId) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexEdges ()
virtual int getVertexTriangle (const SimplexId &vertexId, const int &localTriangleId, SimplexId &triangleId) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexTriangleNumber (const SimplexId &vertexId) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexTriangles ()
bool hasPeriodicBoundaries () const
 Returns true if the grid uses period boundary conditions.
virtual bool isManifold () const
virtual int preconditionManifold ()
virtual int preconditionBoundaryEdges ()
virtual int preconditionBoundaryTriangles ()
virtual int preconditionBoundaryVertices ()
virtual int preconditionCellEdges ()
virtual int preconditionCellNeighbors ()
virtual int preconditionCellTriangles ()
virtual int preconditionEdges ()
virtual int preconditionEdgeLinks ()
virtual int preconditionEdgeStars ()
virtual int preconditionEdgeTriangles ()
virtual int preconditionTriangles ()
virtual int preconditionTriangleEdges ()
virtual int preconditionTriangleLinks ()
virtual int preconditionTriangleStars ()
virtual int preconditionVertexEdges ()
virtual int preconditionVertexLinks ()
virtual int preconditionVertexNeighbors ()
virtual int preconditionVertexStars ()
virtual int preconditionVertexTriangles ()
int getEdgeIncenter (const SimplexId edgeId, float incenter[3]) const
int getTriangleIncenter (const SimplexId triangleId, float incenter[3]) const
int getTetraIncenter (const SimplexId tetraId, float incenter[3]) const
int getCellIncenter (const SimplexId cellid, const int dim, float incenter[3]) const
virtual int getCellVTKID (const int &ttkId, int &vtkId) const
template<class itemType >
size_t tableTableFootprint (const vector< vector< itemType > > &table, const string &tableName, ostream &stream) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::Wrapper
 Wrapper ()
 ~Wrapper () override=default
virtual int updateProgress (const float &progress)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::Debug
 Debug ()
 ~Debug () override
virtual int setDebugLevel (const int &debugLevel)
int setWrapper (const Wrapper *wrapper) override
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::vector< std::string > &msgs, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printErr (const std::string &msg, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr) const
int printWrn (const std::string &msg, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const int &threads, const double &memory, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const int &threads, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &rows, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const bool hasHeader=true, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
void setDebugMsgPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::BaseClass
 BaseClass ()
virtual ~BaseClass ()=default
int getThreadNumber () const
virtual int setThreadNumber (const int threadNumber)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulation
enum class  EdgePosition : char {
  L_3D , H_3D , P_3D , D1_3D ,
  D2_3D , D3_3D , D4_3D , L_2D ,
  H_2D , D1_2D , FIRST_EDGE_1D , LAST_EDGE_1D ,
enum class  TrianglePosition : char {
  F_3D , C_3D , H_3D , D1_3D ,
  D2_3D , D3_3D , TOP_2D , BOTTOM_2D
- Protected Types inherited from ttk::AbstractTriangulation
using gradIdType = SimplexId
using gradientType = std::array< std::vector< gradIdType >, 6 >
 Discrete gradient internal struct.
using gradientKeyType = std::pair< const void *, size_t >
 Key type for gradientCacheType.
using gradientCacheType = LRUCache< gradientKeyType, gradientType >
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulation
int checkAcceleration ()
bool isPowerOfTwo (unsigned long long int v, unsigned long long int &r)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::RegularGridTriangulation
virtual void vertexToPosition2d (const SimplexId vertex, SimplexId p[2]) const =0
virtual void vertexToPosition (const SimplexId vertex, SimplexId p[3]) const =0
virtual void triangleToPosition2d (const SimplexId triangle, SimplexId p[2]) const =0
virtual void triangleToPosition (const SimplexId triangle, const int k, SimplexId p[3]) const =0
virtual void tetrahedronToPosition (const SimplexId tetrahedron, SimplexId p[3]) const =0
SimplexId findEdgeFromVertices (const SimplexId v0, const SimplexId v1) const
SimplexId findTriangleFromVertices (std::array< SimplexId, 3 > &verts) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::AbstractTriangulation
virtual int getCellEdgeInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localEdgeId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual SimplexId getCellEdgeNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId)) const
virtual int getCellNeighborInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localNeighborId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(neighborId)) const
virtual SimplexId getCellNeighborNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getCellNeighborsInternal ()
virtual int getCellTriangleInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localTriangleId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual int getCellVertexInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localVertexId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual SimplexId getCellVertexNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(cellId)) const
virtual int getDimensionalityInternal () const
virtual const std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 2 > > * getEdgesInternal ()
virtual int getEdgeLinkInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localLinkId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(linkId)) const
virtual SimplexId getEdgeLinkNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getEdgeLinksInternal ()
virtual int getEdgeStarInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localStarId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(starId)) const
virtual SimplexId getEdgeStarNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getEdgeStarsInternal ()
virtual int getEdgeTriangleInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localTriangleId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual SimplexId getEdgeTriangleNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual int getEdgeVertexInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localVertexId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual SimplexId getNumberOfCellsInternal () const
virtual SimplexId getNumberOfVerticesInternal () const
virtual const std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 3 > > * getTrianglesInternal ()
virtual int getTriangleEdgeInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localEdgeId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual int getTriangleLinkInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localLinkId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(linkId)) const
virtual SimplexId getTriangleLinkNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getTriangleLinksInternal ()
virtual int getTriangleStarInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localStarId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(starId)) const
virtual SimplexId getTriangleStarNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getTriangleStarsInternal ()
virtual int getTriangleVertexInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localVertexId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual int getVertexEdgeInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localEdgeId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexEdgeNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual int getVertexLinkInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localLinkId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(linkId)) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexLinkNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexLinksInternal ()
virtual int getVertexNeighborInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localNeighborId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(neighborId)) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexNeighborNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexNeighborsInternal ()
virtual int getVertexPointInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId), float &ttkNotUsed(x), float &ttkNotUsed(y), float &ttkNotUsed(z)) const
virtual int getVertexStarInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localStarId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(starId)) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexStarNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual const std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > * getVertexStarsInternal ()
virtual int getVertexTriangleInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId), const int &ttkNotUsed(localTriangleId), SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual SimplexId getVertexTriangleNumberInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
virtual bool isEdgeOnBoundaryInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(edgeId)) const
virtual bool isTriangleOnBoundaryInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(triangleId)) const
virtual bool isVertexOnBoundaryInternal (const SimplexId &ttkNotUsed(vertexId)) const
bool hasPreconditionedBoundaryEdges () const
bool hasPreconditionedBoundaryTriangles () const
bool hasPreconditionedBoundaryVertices () const
bool hasPreconditionedCellEdges () const
bool hasPreconditionedCellNeighbors () const
bool hasPreconditionedCellTriangles () const
bool hasPreconditionedEdgeLinks () const
bool hasPreconditionedEdgeStars () const
bool hasPreconditionedEdgeTriangles () const
bool hasPreconditionedEdges () const
bool hasPreconditionedTriangles () const
bool hasPreconditionedTriangleEdges () const
bool hasPreconditionedTriangleLinks () const
bool hasPreconditionedTriangleStars () const
bool hasPreconditionedVertexEdges () const
bool hasPreconditionedVertexLinks () const
bool hasPreconditionedVertexNeighbors () const
bool hasPreconditionedVertexStars () const
bool hasPreconditionedVertexTriangles () const
bool hasPreconditionedManifold () const
bool needsToAbort () override
virtual int preconditionBoundaryEdgesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionBoundaryTrianglesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionBoundaryVerticesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionCellEdgesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionCellNeighborsInternal ()
virtual int preconditionCellTrianglesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionEdgeLinksInternal ()
virtual int preconditionEdgeStarsInternal ()
virtual int preconditionEdgeTrianglesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionTriangleEdgesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionTriangleLinksInternal ()
virtual int preconditionTriangleStarsInternal ()
virtual int preconditionVertexEdgesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionVertexLinksInternal ()
virtual int preconditionVertexNeighborsInternal ()
virtual int preconditionVertexStarsInternal ()
virtual int preconditionVertexTrianglesInternal ()
virtual int preconditionManifoldInternal ()
template<class itemType >
size_t tableFootprint (const std::vector< itemType > &table, const std::string &tableName="", std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
template<class itemType >
size_t tableTableFootprint (const std::vector< std::vector< itemType > > &table, const std::string &tableName="", std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int updateProgress (const float &ttkNotUsed(progress)) override
gradientCacheTypegetGradientCacheHandler () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::Debug
int printMsgInternal (const std::string &msg, const std::string &right, const std::string &filler, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsgInternal (const std::string &msg, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int welcomeMsg (std::ostream &stream)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulation
int dimensionality_
float origin_ [3]
float spacing_ [3]
SimplexId nbvoxels_ [3]
SimplexId wrap_ [3]
SimplexId vshift_ [2]
SimplexId esetdims_ [7]
SimplexId esetshift_ [7]
SimplexId eshift_ [14]
SimplexId tsetdims_ [6]
SimplexId tsetshift_ [6]
SimplexId tshift_ [12]
SimplexId tetshift_ [2]
SimplexId cellNumber_
SimplexId vertexNumber_
SimplexId edgeNumber_
SimplexId triangleNumber_
SimplexId tetrahedronNumber_
SimplexId Di_ {}
SimplexId Dj_ {}
bool isAccelerated_
SimplexId mod_ [2]
SimplexId div_ [2]
bool hasPreconditionedVerticesAndCells_ {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::RegularGridTriangulation
std::array< SimplexId, 3 > dimensions_
int dimensionality_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::AbstractTriangulation
bool hasPeriodicBoundaries_
bool hasPreconditionedBoundaryEdges_
bool hasPreconditionedBoundaryTriangles_
bool hasPreconditionedBoundaryVertices_
bool hasPreconditionedCellEdges_
bool hasPreconditionedCellNeighbors_
bool hasPreconditionedCellTriangles_
bool hasPreconditionedEdges_
bool hasPreconditionedEdgeLinks_
bool hasPreconditionedEdgeStars_
bool hasPreconditionedEdgeTriangles_
bool hasPreconditionedTriangles_
bool hasPreconditionedTriangleEdges_
bool hasPreconditionedTriangleLinks_
bool hasPreconditionedTriangleStars_
bool hasPreconditionedVertexEdges_
bool hasPreconditionedVertexLinks_
bool hasPreconditionedVertexNeighbors_
bool hasPreconditionedVertexStars_
bool hasPreconditionedVertexTriangles_
bool hasPreconditionedManifold_
bool isManifold_ {true}
std::array< SimplexId, 3 > gridDimensions_
std::vector< bool > boundaryEdges_
std::vector< bool > boundaryTriangles_
std::vector< bool > boundaryVertices_
std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 6 > > tetraEdgeList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > cellNeighborList_
std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 4 > > tetraTriangleList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > edgeLinkList_
std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 2 > > edgeList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > edgeStarList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > edgeTriangleList_
std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 3 > > triangleList_
std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 3 > > triangleEdgeList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > triangleLinkList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > triangleStarList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > vertexEdgeList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > vertexLinkList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > vertexNeighborList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > vertexStarList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > vertexTriangleList_
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > cellEdgeVector_ {}
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > cellTriangleVector_ {}
std::vector< std::vector< SimplexId > > triangleEdgeVector_ {}
gradientCacheType gradientCache_ {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Wrapper
float processingProgress_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Debug
int debugLevel_
std::string debugMsgPrefix_
std::string debugMsgNamePrefix_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::BaseClass
bool lastObject_
int threadNumber_
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Debug
static COMMON_EXPORTS debug::LineMode lastLineMode = ttk::debug::LineMode::NEW

Detailed Description

template<typename Derived>
class ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >

Definition at line 546 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getEdgeIncenter()

template<typename Derived >
virtual int ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getEdgeIncenter ( SimplexId  edgeId,
float  incenter[3] 
) const

Compute the barycenter of the points of the given edge identifier.

Definition at line 652 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.h.

◆ getEdgeLink()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getEdgeLink ( const SimplexId edgeId,
const int &  localLinkId,
SimplexId linkId 
) const

Get the localLinkId-th simplex of the link of the edgeId-th edge.

The output linkId refers in 2D to a vertex identifier and in 3D to an edge identifier. It returns a negative value in 1D.

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionEdgeLinks() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
edgeIdInput global edge identifier.
localLinkIdInput local link simplex identifier, in [0, getEdgeLinkNumber()].
linkIdOutput link simplex identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getEdgeStar()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getEdgeStar ( const SimplexId edgeId,
const int &  localStarId,
SimplexId starId 
) const

Get the localStarId-th cell of the star of the edgeId-th edge.

Here the notion of cell refers to the simplicices of maximal dimension (3D: tetrahedra, 2D: triangles, 1D: edges).

Also, the notion of edge only makes sense if the triangulation has a dimension greater than 1 (otherwise, use the cell information).

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionEdgeStars() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
edgeIdInput global edge identifier.
localStarIdInput local star cell identifier, in [0, getEdgeStarNumber()].
starIdOutput global star cell identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getEdgeStarNumber()

template<typename Derived >
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getEdgeStarNumber ( const SimplexId edgeId) const

Get the number of star cells for the edgeId-th edge.

Here the notion of cell refers to the simplicices of maximal dimension (3D: tetrahedra, 2D: triangles, 1D: edges).

Also, the notion of edge only makes sense if the triangulation has a dimension greater than 1 (otherwise, use the cell information).

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionEdgeStars() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
edgeIdInput global edge identifier
Returns the number of star cells.

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getEdgeTriangleInternal()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getEdgeTriangleInternal ( const SimplexId edgeId,
const int &  id,
SimplexId triangleId 
) const

Definition at line 1057 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

◆ getEdgeTriangleNumberInternal()

template<typename Derived >
SimplexId PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getEdgeTriangleNumberInternal ( const SimplexId edgeId) const

Definition at line 1030 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

◆ getEdgeVertexInternal()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getEdgeVertexInternal ( const SimplexId edgeId,
const int &  localVertexId,
SimplexId vertexId 
) const

Definition at line 930 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

◆ getTetrahedronEdge()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTetrahedronEdge ( const SimplexId tetId,
const int &  id,
SimplexId edgeId 
) const

◆ getTetrahedronNeighbor()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTetrahedronNeighbor ( const SimplexId tetId,
const int &  localNeighborId,
SimplexId neighborId 
) const

◆ getTetrahedronTriangle()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTetrahedronTriangle ( const SimplexId tetId,
const int &  id,
SimplexId triangleId 
) const

◆ getTetrahedronVertex()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTetrahedronVertex ( const SimplexId tetId,
const int &  localVertexId,
SimplexId vertexId 
) const

◆ getTetraIncenter()

template<typename Derived >
virtual int ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getTetraIncenter ( SimplexId  tetraId,
float  incenter[3] 
) const

Compute the barycenter of the incenters of the triangles of the given tetra identifier.

Definition at line 728 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.h.

◆ getTriangleEdgeInternal()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTriangleEdgeInternal ( const SimplexId triangleId,
const int &  id,
SimplexId edgeId 
) const

Definition at line 1369 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

◆ getTriangleIncenter()

template<typename Derived >
virtual int ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getTriangleIncenter ( SimplexId  triangleId,
float  incenter[3] 
) const

Compute the incenter of the points of the given triangle identifier.

Definition at line 683 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.h.

◆ getTriangleLink()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getTriangleLink ( const SimplexId triangleId,
const int &  localLinkId,
SimplexId linkId 
) const

Get the localLinkId-th simplex of the link of the triangleId-th triangle.

The notion of triangle link only makes sense in 3D, where the output linkId refers to a vertex identifier.

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionTriangleLinks() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
triangleIdInput global triangle identifier.
localLinkIdInput local link simplex identifier, in [0, getTriangleLinkNumber()].
linkIdOutput link simplex identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getTriangleNeighbor()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTriangleNeighbor ( const SimplexId triangleId,
const int &  localNeighborId,
SimplexId neighborId 
) const

◆ getTriangleStar()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getTriangleStar ( const SimplexId triangleId,
const int &  localStarId,
SimplexId starId 
) const

Get the localStarId-th cell of the star of the triangleId-th triangle.

The notion of triangle star only makes sense in 3D, where the output starId refers to a tetrahedron identifier.

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionTriangleStars() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
triangleIdInput global triangle identifier.
localStarIdInput local star cell identifier, in [0, getTriangleStarNumber()].
starIdOutput global star cell identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getTriangleStarNumber()

template<typename Derived >
SimplexId TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getTriangleStarNumber ( const SimplexId triangleId) const

Get the number of star cells for the triangleId-th triangle.

The notion of triangle star only makes sense in 3D, where the number of tetrahedra in the star will be returned.

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionTriangleStars() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
triangleIdInput global triangle identifier.
Returns the number of star cells.

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getTriangleVertexInternal()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getTriangleVertexInternal ( const SimplexId triangleId,
const int &  localVertexId,
SimplexId vertexId 
) const

Definition at line 1307 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

◆ getVertexEdgeInternal()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getVertexEdgeInternal ( const SimplexId vertexId,
const int &  id,
SimplexId edgeId 
) const

Definition at line 354 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

◆ getVertexLink()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getVertexLink ( const SimplexId vertexId,
const int &  localLinkId,
SimplexId linkId 
) const

Get the localLinkId-th simplex of the link of the vertexId-th vertex.

The output linkId refers in 2D to an edge identifier and in 3D to a triangle identifier.

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionVertexLinks() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
vertexIdInput global vertex identifier.
localLinkIdInput local link simplex identifier, in [0, getVertexLinkNumber()].
linkIdOutput link simplex identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getVertexNeighbor()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getVertexNeighbor ( const SimplexId vertexId,
const int &  localNeighborId,
SimplexId neighborId 
) const

Get the localNeighborId-th vertex neighbor of the vertexId-th vertex.

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionVertexNeighbors() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
vertexIdInput global vertex identifier.
localNeighborIdInput local neighbor identifier, in [0, getVertexNeighborNumber()].
neighborIdOutput global neighbor vertex identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getVertexPoint()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getVertexPoint ( const SimplexId vertexId,
float &  x,
float &  y,
float &  z 
) const

Get the point (3D coordinates) for the vertexId-th vertex.

vertexIdInput global vertex identifier.
xOutput x coordinate.
yOutput y coordinate.
zOutput z coordinate.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getVertexStar()

template<typename Derived >
int TTK_TRIANGULATION_INTERNAL() ttk::PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP< Derived >::getVertexStar ( const SimplexId vertexId,
const int &  localStarId,
SimplexId starId 
) const

Get the localStarId-th cell of the star of the vertexId-th vertex.

Here the notion of cell refers to the simplicices of maximal dimension (3D: tetrahedra, 2D: triangles, 1D: edges).

For this function to behave correctly, preconditionVertexStars() needs to be called on this object prior to any traversal, in a clearly distinct pre-processing step that involves no traversal at all. An error will be returned otherwise.
It is recommended to exclude such a preconditioning step from any time performance measurement.
vertexIdInput global vertex identifier.
localStarIdInput local star cell identifier, in [0, getVertexStarNumber()].
starIdOutput global star cell identifier.
Returns 0 upon success, negative values otherwise.
See also

Reimplemented from ttk::AbstractTriangulation.

◆ getVertexTriangleInternal()

template<typename Derived >
int PeriodicImplicitTriangulationCRTP::getVertexTriangleInternal ( const SimplexId vertexId,
const int &  id,
SimplexId triangleId 
) const

Definition at line 420 of file PeriodicImplicitTriangulation.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: