No Matches
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT Class Reference

#include <FTMTree_MT.h>

Inheritance diagram for ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT:
ttk::Debug ttk::BaseClass ttk::ftm::FTMTree_CT ttk::ftm::FTMTree ttk::ftm::FTMTreePP

Public Member Functions

 FTMTree_MT (const std::shared_ptr< Params > &params, const std::shared_ptr< Scalars > &scalars, TreeType type)
 ~FTMTree_MT () override
void clear ()
void setParamsScalars (const std::shared_ptr< Params > &params, const std::shared_ptr< Scalars > &scalars)
template<class triangulationType >
void initNbScalars (const triangulationType *triangulation)
void initComp ()
bool compLower (const SimplexId a, const SimplexId b)
template<typename scalarType >
void sortInput ()
 if sortedVertices_ is null, define and fill it
void makeAlloc ()
 clear local data for new computation
void makeInit ()
void initVectStates (const SimplexId nbLeaves)
template<class triangulationType >
void build (const triangulationType *mesh, const bool ct)
 Compute the merge.
template<class triangulationType >
int leafSearch (const triangulationType *mesh)
template<class triangulationType >
void leafGrowth (const triangulationType *mesh)
template<class triangulationType >
void arcGrowth (const triangulationType *mesh, const SimplexId startVert, const SimplexId orig)
template<class triangulationType >
std::tuple< bool, bool > propagate (const triangulationType *mesh, CurrentState &currentState, UF curUF)
template<class triangulationType >
void closeAndMergeOnSaddle (const triangulationType *mesh, SimplexId saddleVert)
template<class triangulationType >
void closeOnBackBone (const triangulationType *mesh, SimplexId saddleVert)
void closeArcsUF (idNode closeNode, UF uf)
template<class triangulationType >
SimplexId trunk (const triangulationType *mesh, const bool ct)
virtual SimplexId trunkSegmentation (const std::vector< SimplexId > &pendingNodesVerts, const SimplexId begin, const SimplexId stop)
SimplexId trunkCTSegmentation (const std::vector< SimplexId > &pendingNodesVerts, const SimplexId begin, const SimplexId stop)
void buildSegmentation ()
 use vert2tree to compute the segmentation of the fresh built merge tree.
void finalizeSegmentation ()
void normalizeIds ()
SimplexId getArcSize (const idSuperArc arcId)
bool isJT () const
bool isST () const
void preconditionTriangulation (AbstractTriangulation *tri, const bool preproc=true)
void setScalars (void *local_scalars)
void setTreeType (const int local_treeType)
void setSegmentation (const bool segm)
void setNormalizeIds (const bool normalize)
template<typename scalarType >
const scalarType & getValue (SimplexId nodeId) const
template<typename scalarType >
void setVertexScalars (const scalarType *vals)
void setVertexSoSoffsets (const SimplexId *const sos)
idSuperArc getNumberOfSuperArcs () const
SuperArcgetSuperArc (idSuperArc i)
const SuperArcgetSuperArc (idSuperArc i) const
idNode getNumberOfNodes () const
NodegetNode (idNode nodeId)
void setValence (const SimplexId v, const SimplexId val)
idNode getNumberOfLeaves () const
const std::vector< idNode > & getLeaves () const
idNode getLeave (const idNode id) const
const std::vector< idNode > & getRoots () const
SimplexId getNumberOfVertices () const
void setVert2Tree (decltype(mt_data_.vert2tree) const &vect2tree)
bool isCorrespondingArc (const SimplexId val) const
bool isCorrespondingNode (const SimplexId val) const
bool isCorrespondingNull (const SimplexId val) const
idNode getCorrespondingNodeId (const SimplexId val) const
idSuperArc getCorrespondingSuperArcId (const SimplexId val) const
SuperArcvertex2SuperArc (const SimplexId vert)
Nodevertex2Node (const SimplexId vert)
void updateCorrespondingArc (const SimplexId vert, const idSuperArc arc)
void updateCorrespondingNode (const SimplexId vert, const idNode node)
idCorresp idNode2corr (const idNode id) const
idNode corr2idNode (const idCorresp &corr) const
idSuperArc openSuperArc (idNode downNodeId)
idSuperArc makeSuperArc (idNode downNodeId, idNode upNodeId)
void closeSuperArc (idSuperArc superArcId, idNode upNodeId)
std::vector< idNodesortedNodes (const bool parallel=false)
void sortLeaves (const bool parallel=false)
void sortNodes ()
 Sort tree nodes according to vertex order.
void sortArcs ()
 Sort tree arcs.
idNode makeNode (SimplexId vertexId, SimplexId linked=nullVertex)
idNode makeNode (const Node *const n, SimplexId linked=nullVertex)
idSuperArc insertNode (Node *node, const bool segm=true)
NodegetDownNode (const SuperArc *a)
NodegetUpNode (const SuperArc *a)
idNode getDownNodeId (const SuperArc *a)
idNode getUpNodeId (const SuperArc *a)
NodegetLowerNode (const SuperArc *a)
NodegetUpperNode (const SuperArc *a)
idNode getLowerNodeId (const SuperArc *a)
idNode getUpperNodeId (const SuperArc *a)
idNode getParent (const idNode n)
void delNode (idNode node)
std::shared_ptr< FTMTree_MTclone () const
void move (FTMTree_MT &mt)
std::string printArc (idSuperArc a)
std::string printNode (idNode n)
void printTree2 ()
void printParams () const
int printTime (Timer &t, const std::string &s, const int debugLevel=2) const
bool isNodeOriginDefined (idNode nodeId)
bool isRoot (idNode nodeId)
bool isLeaf (idNode nodeId)
bool isNodeAlone (idNode nodeId)
bool isFullMerge ()
bool isBranchOrigin (idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
bool isJoinTree ()
template<class dataType >
bool isImportantPair (idNode nodeId, double threshold, std::vector< double > &excludeLower, std::vector< double > &excludeHigher)
template<class dataType >
bool isImportantPair (idNode nodeId, double threshold)
bool isNodeMerged (idNode nodeId)
bool isNodeIdInconsistent (idNode nodeId)
bool isThereOnlyOnePersistencePair ()
bool notNeedToNormalize (idNode nodeId)
bool isMultiPersPair (idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
bool isParentInconsistent (ftm::idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
bool verifyBranchDecompositionInconsistency ()
idNode getRoot ()
idNode getParentSafe (idNode nodeId)
void getChildren (idNode nodeId, std::vector< idNode > &res)
void getLeavesFromTree (std::vector< idNode > &res)
int getNumberOfLeavesFromTree ()
int getNumberOfNodeAlone ()
int getRealNumberOfNodes ()
template<class dataType >
idNode getMergedRootOrigin ()
void getBranchOriginsFromThisBranch (idNode node, std::tuple< std::vector< idNode >, std::vector< idNode > > &res)
void getTreeBranching (std::vector< idNode > &branching, std::vector< int > &branchingID, std::vector< std::vector< idNode > > &nodeBranching)
void getTreeBranching (std::vector< idNode > &branching, std::vector< int > &branchingID)
void getAllRoots (std::vector< idNode > &res)
int getNumberOfRoot ()
int getNumberOfChildren (idNode nodeId)
int getTreeDepth ()
int getNodeLevel (idNode nodeId)
void getAllNodeLevel (std::vector< int > &res)
void getLevelToNode (std::vector< std::vector< idNode > > &res)
void getBranchSubtree (std::vector< idNode > &branching, idNode branchRoot, std::vector< idNode > &res)
template<class dataType >
idNode getLowestNode (idNode nodeStart)
template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > getBirthDeathFromIds (idNode nodeId1, idNode nodeId2)
template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > getBirthDeathNodeFromIds (idNode nodeId1, idNode nodeId2)
template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > getBirthDeath (idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
std::tuple< ftm::idNode, ftm::idNodegetBirthDeathNode (idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > getMergedRootBirthDeath ()
template<class dataType >
std::tuple< ftm::idNode, ftm::idNodegetMergedRootBirthDeathNode ()
template<class dataType >
dataType getBirth (idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
dataType getNodePersistence (idNode nodeId)
template<class dataType >
dataType getMaximumPersistence ()
template<class dataType >
ftm::idNode getSecondMaximumPersistenceNode ()
template<class dataType >
dataType getSecondMaximumPersistence ()
template<class dataType >
void getPersistencePairsFromTree (std::vector< std::tuple< ftm::idNode, ftm::idNode, dataType > > &pairs, bool useBD)
template<class dataType >
std::vector< ftm::idNodegetMultiPersOrigins (bool useBD)
void getMultiPersOriginsVectorFromTree (std::vector< std::vector< idNode > > &res)
void setParent (idNode nodeId, idNode newParentNodeId)
void deleteNode (idNode nodeId)
void deleteIthUpArc (idNode nodeId, int arcIth)
void deleteParent (idNode nodeId)
void deleteSubtree (idNode nodeId)
void copyMergeTreeStructure (FTMTree_MT *tree)
void printNodeSS (idNode node, std::stringstream &ss)
template<class dataType >
std::stringstream printNode2 (idNode nodeId, bool doPrint=true)
template<class dataType >
std::stringstream printMergedRoot (bool doPrint=true)
std::stringstream printTree (bool doPrint=true)
std::stringstream printTreeStats (bool doPrint=true)
template<class dataType >
std::stringstream printTreeScalars (bool printNodeAlone=true, bool doPrint=true)
template<class dataType >
std::stringstream printPairsFromTree (bool useBD=false, bool printPairs=true, bool doPrint=true)
std::stringstream printMultiPersOriginsVectorFromTree (bool doPrint=true)
template<class dataType >
std::stringstream printMultiPersPairsFromTree (bool useBD=false, bool printPairs=true, bool doPrint=true)
template<class dataType >
void getPersistencePairsFromTree (std::vector< std::tuple< idNode, idNode, dataType > > &pairs, bool useBD)
template<class dataType >
std::vector< idNodegetMultiPersOrigins (bool useBD)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::Debug
 Debug ()
 ~Debug () override
virtual int setDebugLevel (const int &debugLevel)
int setWrapper (const Wrapper *wrapper) override
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::vector< std::string > &msgs, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printErr (const std::string &msg, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr) const
int printWrn (const std::string &msg, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const int &threads, const double &memory, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const int &threads, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &rows, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const bool hasHeader=true, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
void setDebugMsgPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::BaseClass
 BaseClass ()
virtual ~BaseClass ()=default
int getThreadNumber () const
virtual int setThreadNumber (const int threadNumber)

Protected Member Functions

idNode getVertInRange (const std::vector< SimplexId > &range, const SimplexId v, const idNode last=0) const
std::tuple< SimplexId, SimplexIdgetBoundsFromVerts (const std::vector< SimplexId > &nodes) const
idSuperArc upArcFromVert (const SimplexId v)
SimplexId getChunkSize (const SimplexId nbVerts=-1, const SimplexId nbtasks=100) const
SimplexId getChunkCount (const SimplexId nbVerts=-1, const SimplexId nbTasks=100) const
void sortUpArcs (const idNode nid)
void sortDownArcs (const idNode nid)
bool isLower (SimplexId a, SimplexId b) const
bool isHigher (SimplexId a, SimplexId b) const
template<typename type >
void createVector (std::vector< type > &vec)
template<typename type >
void createAtomicVector (std::shared_ptr< FTMAtomicVector< type > > &ptr)
template<typename type >
void initVector (std::vector< type > &vect, const type val)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::Debug
int printMsgInternal (const std::string &msg, const std::string &right, const std::string &filler, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsgInternal (const std::string &msg, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int welcomeMsg (std::ostream &stream)

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr< Paramsparams_
std::shared_ptr< Scalarsscalars_
TreeData mt_data_
Comparison comp_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Debug
int debugLevel_
std::string debugMsgPrefix_
std::string debugMsgNamePrefix_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::BaseClass
bool lastObject_
int threadNumber_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Debug
static COMMON_EXPORTS debug::LineMode lastLineMode = ttk::debug::LineMode::NEW

Detailed Description

Definition at line 83 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FTMTree_MT()

FTMTree_MT::FTMTree_MT ( const std::shared_ptr< Params > &  params,
const std::shared_ptr< Scalars > &  scalars,
TreeType  type 

Definition at line 39 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ ~FTMTree_MT()

FTMTree_MT::~FTMTree_MT ( )

Definition at line 49 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ arcGrowth()

template<class triangulationType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::arcGrowth ( const triangulationType *  mesh,
const SimplexId  startVert,
const SimplexId  orig 

Definition at line 197 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ build()

template<class triangulationType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::build ( const triangulationType *  mesh,
const bool  ct 

Compute the merge.

Definition at line 36 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ buildSegmentation()

void FTMTree_MT::buildSegmentation ( )

use vert2tree to compute the segmentation of the fresh built merge tree.

Definition at line 102 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ clear()

void FTMTree_MT::clear ( )

Definition at line 53 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ clone()

std::shared_ptr< FTMTree_MT > FTMTree_MT::clone ( ) const

Definition at line 251 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ closeAndMergeOnSaddle()

template<class triangulationType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::closeAndMergeOnSaddle ( const triangulationType *  mesh,
SimplexId  saddleVert 

Definition at line 467 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ closeArcsUF()

void FTMTree_MT::closeArcsUF ( idNode  closeNode,
UF  uf 

Definition at line 264 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ closeOnBackBone()

template<class triangulationType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::closeOnBackBone ( const triangulationType *  mesh,
SimplexId  saddleVert 

Definition at line 495 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ closeSuperArc()

void FTMTree_MT::closeSuperArc ( idSuperArc  superArcId,
idNode  upNodeId 

Definition at line 271 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ compLower()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::compLower ( const SimplexId  a,
const SimplexId  b 

Definition at line 145 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ copyMergeTreeStructure()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::copyMergeTreeStructure ( FTMTree_MT tree)

Definition at line 401 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ corr2idNode()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::corr2idNode ( const idCorresp corr) const

Definition at line 508 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ createAtomicVector()

template<typename type >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::createAtomicVector ( std::shared_ptr< FTMAtomicVector< type > > &  ptr)

Definition at line 875 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ createVector()

template<typename type >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::createVector ( std::vector< type > &  vec)

Definition at line 870 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ deleteIthUpArc()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::deleteIthUpArc ( idNode  nodeId,
int  arcIth 

Definition at line 367 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ deleteNode()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::deleteNode ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 342 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ deleteParent()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::deleteParent ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 377 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ deleteSubtree()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::deleteSubtree ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 384 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ delNode()

void FTMTree_MT::delNode ( idNode  node)

Definition at line 289 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ finalizeSegmentation()

void FTMTree_MT::finalizeSegmentation ( )

Definition at line 346 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getAllNodeLevel()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getAllNodeLevel ( std::vector< int > &  res)

Definition at line 264 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getAllRoots()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getAllRoots ( std::vector< idNode > &  res)

Definition at line 207 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getArcSize()

SimplexId ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getArcSize ( const idSuperArc  arcId)

Definition at line 285 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getBirth()

template<class dataType >
dataType ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBirth ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 208 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getBirthDeath()

template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBirthDeath ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 171 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getBirthDeathFromIds()

template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBirthDeathFromIds ( idNode  nodeId1,
idNode  nodeId2 

Definition at line 152 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getBirthDeathNode()

template<class dataType >
std::tuple< ftm::idNode, ftm::idNode > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBirthDeathNode ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 182 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getBirthDeathNodeFromIds()

template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBirthDeathNodeFromIds ( idNode  nodeId1,
idNode  nodeId2 

Definition at line 162 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getBoundsFromVerts()

tuple< SimplexId, SimplexId > FTMTree_MT::getBoundsFromVerts ( const std::vector< SimplexId > &  nodes) const

Definition at line 353 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getBranchOriginsFromThisBranch()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBranchOriginsFromThisBranch ( idNode  node,
std::tuple< std::vector< idNode >, std::vector< idNode > > &  res 

Definition at line 148 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getBranchSubtree()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getBranchSubtree ( std::vector< idNode > &  branching,
idNode  branchRoot,
std::vector< idNode > &  res 

Definition at line 293 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getChildren()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getChildren ( idNode  nodeId,
std::vector< idNode > &  res 

Definition at line 114 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getChunkCount()

SimplexId ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getChunkCount ( const SimplexId  nbVerts = -1,
const SimplexId  nbTasks = 100 
) const

Definition at line 832 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getChunkSize()

SimplexId ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getChunkSize ( const SimplexId  nbVerts = -1,
const SimplexId  nbtasks = 100 
) const

Definition at line 819 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getCorrespondingNodeId()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getCorrespondingNodeId ( const SimplexId  val) const

Definition at line 459 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getCorrespondingSuperArcId()

idSuperArc ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getCorrespondingSuperArcId ( const SimplexId  val) const

Definition at line 470 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getDownNode()

Node * FTMTree_MT::getDownNode ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 367 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getDownNodeId()

idNode FTMTree_MT::getDownNodeId ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 371 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getLeave()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getLeave ( const idNode  id) const

Definition at line 412 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getLeaves()

const std::vector< idNode > & ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getLeaves ( ) const

Definition at line 407 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getLeavesFromTree()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getLeavesFromTree ( std::vector< idNode > &  res)

Definition at line 124 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getLevelToNode()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getLevelToNode ( std::vector< std::vector< idNode > > &  res)

Definition at line 281 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getLowerNode()

Node * FTMTree_MT::getLowerNode ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 375 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getLowerNodeId()

idNode FTMTree_MT::getLowerNodeId ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 382 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getLowestNode()

template<class dataType >
idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getLowestNode ( idNode  nodeStart)

Definition at line 124 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getMaximumPersistence()

template<class dataType >
dataType ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMaximumPersistence ( )

Definition at line 220 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getMergedRootBirthDeath()

template<class dataType >
std::tuple< dataType, dataType > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMergedRootBirthDeath ( )

Definition at line 191 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getMergedRootBirthDeathNode()

template<class dataType >
std::tuple< ftm::idNode, ftm::idNode > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMergedRootBirthDeathNode ( )

Definition at line 200 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getMergedRootOrigin()

template<class dataType >
idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMergedRootOrigin ( )

Definition at line 106 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getMultiPersOrigins() [1/2]

template<class dataType >
std::vector< ftm::idNode > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMultiPersOrigins ( bool  useBD)

◆ getMultiPersOrigins() [2/2]

template<class dataType >
std::vector< idNode > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMultiPersOrigins ( bool  useBD)

Definition at line 289 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getMultiPersOriginsVectorFromTree()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getMultiPersOriginsVectorFromTree ( std::vector< std::vector< idNode > > &  res)

Definition at line 318 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getNode()

Node * ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNode ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 393 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getNodeLevel()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNodeLevel ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 244 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getNodePersistence()

template<class dataType >
dataType ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNodePersistence ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 213 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getNumberOfChildren()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfChildren ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 222 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfLeaves()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfLeaves ( ) const

Definition at line 403 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getNumberOfLeavesFromTree()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfLeavesFromTree ( )

Definition at line 132 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfNodeAlone()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfNodeAlone ( )

Definition at line 137 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfNodes()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfNodes ( ) const

Definition at line 389 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getNumberOfRoot()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfRoot ( )

Definition at line 214 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSuperArcs()

idSuperArc ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfSuperArcs ( ) const

Definition at line 363 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getNumberOfVertices()

SimplexId ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getNumberOfVertices ( ) const

Definition at line 429 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getParent()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getParent ( const idNode  n)

Definition at line 566 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getParentSafe()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getParentSafe ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 104 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getPersistencePairsFromTree() [1/2]

template<class dataType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getPersistencePairsFromTree ( std::vector< std::tuple< ftm::idNode, ftm::idNode, dataType > > &  pairs,
bool  useBD 

◆ getPersistencePairsFromTree() [2/2]

template<class dataType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getPersistencePairsFromTree ( std::vector< std::tuple< idNode, idNode, dataType > > &  pairs,
bool  useBD 

Definition at line 267 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getRealNumberOfNodes()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getRealNumberOfNodes ( )

Definition at line 144 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getRoot()

idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getRoot ( )

Definition at line 97 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getRoots()

const std::vector< idNode > & ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getRoots ( ) const

Definition at line 422 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getSecondMaximumPersistence()

template<class dataType >
dataType ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getSecondMaximumPersistence ( )

Definition at line 261 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getSecondMaximumPersistenceNode()

template<class dataType >
ftm::idNode ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getSecondMaximumPersistenceNode ( )

Definition at line 239 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ getSuperArc() [1/2]

SuperArc * ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getSuperArc ( idSuperArc  i)

Definition at line 367 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getSuperArc() [2/2]

const SuperArc * ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getSuperArc ( idSuperArc  i) const

Definition at line 377 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getTreeBranching() [1/2]

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getTreeBranching ( std::vector< idNode > &  branching,
std::vector< int > &  branchingID 

Definition at line 201 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getTreeBranching() [2/2]

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getTreeBranching ( std::vector< idNode > &  branching,
std::vector< int > &  branchingID,
std::vector< std::vector< idNode > > &  nodeBranching 

Definition at line 165 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getTreeDepth()

int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getTreeDepth ( )

Definition at line 226 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ getUpNode()

Node * FTMTree_MT::getUpNode ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 389 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getUpNodeId()

idNode FTMTree_MT::getUpNodeId ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 393 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getUpperNode()

Node * FTMTree_MT::getUpperNode ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 397 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getUpperNodeId()

idNode FTMTree_MT::getUpperNodeId ( const SuperArc a)

Definition at line 404 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ getValue()

template<typename scalarType >
const scalarType & ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::getValue ( SimplexId  nodeId) const

Definition at line 339 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ getVertInRange()

idNode FTMTree_MT::getVertInRange ( const std::vector< SimplexId > &  range,
const SimplexId  v,
const idNode  last = 0 
) const

Definition at line 411 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ idNode2corr()

idCorresp ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::idNode2corr ( const idNode  id) const

Definition at line 503 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ initComp()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::initComp ( )

Definition at line 123 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ initNbScalars()

template<class triangulationType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::initNbScalars ( const triangulationType *  triangulation)

Definition at line 119 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ initVector()

template<typename type >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::initVector ( std::vector< type > &  vect,
const type  val 

Definition at line 882 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ initVectStates()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::initVectStates ( const SimplexId  nbLeaves)

Definition at line 202 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ insertNode()

idSuperArc FTMTree_MT::insertNode ( Node node,
const bool  segm = true 

Definition at line 422 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ isBranchOrigin()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isBranchOrigin ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 39 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isCorrespondingArc()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isCorrespondingArc ( const SimplexId  val) const

Definition at line 445 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isCorrespondingNode()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isCorrespondingNode ( const SimplexId  val) const

Definition at line 449 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isCorrespondingNull()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isCorrespondingNull ( const SimplexId  val) const

Definition at line 453 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isFullMerge()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isFullMerge ( )

Definition at line 34 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isHigher()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isHigher ( SimplexId  a,
SimplexId  b 
) const

Definition at line 865 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isImportantPair() [1/2]

template<class dataType >
bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isImportantPair ( idNode  nodeId,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 60 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ isImportantPair() [2/2]

template<class dataType >
bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isImportantPair ( idNode  nodeId,
double  threshold,
std::vector< double > &  excludeLower,
std::vector< double > &  excludeHigher 

Definition at line 38 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ isJoinTree()

template<class dataType >
bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isJoinTree ( )

Definition at line 19 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ isJT()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isJT ( ) const

Definition at line 289 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isLeaf()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isLeaf ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 26 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isLower()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isLower ( SimplexId  a,
SimplexId  b 
) const

Definition at line 861 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isMultiPersPair()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isMultiPersPair ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 87 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isNodeAlone()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isNodeAlone ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 30 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isNodeIdInconsistent()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isNodeIdInconsistent ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 52 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isNodeMerged()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isNodeMerged ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 43 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isNodeOriginDefined()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isNodeOriginDefined ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 16 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isParentInconsistent()

template<class dataType >
bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isParentInconsistent ( ftm::idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 67 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ isRoot()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isRoot ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 22 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ isST()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isST ( ) const

Definition at line 293 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ isThereOnlyOnePersistencePair()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::isThereOnlyOnePersistencePair ( )

Definition at line 56 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ leafGrowth()

template<class triangulationType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::leafGrowth ( const triangulationType *  mesh)

Definition at line 145 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ leafSearch()

template<class triangulationType >
int ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::leafSearch ( const triangulationType *  mesh)

Definition at line 80 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ makeAlloc()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::makeAlloc ( )

clear local data for new computation

Definition at line 154 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ makeInit()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::makeInit ( )

Definition at line 193 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ makeNode() [1/2]

idNode FTMTree_MT::makeNode ( const Node *const  n,
SimplexId  linked = nullVertex 

Definition at line 495 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ makeNode() [2/2]

idNode FTMTree_MT::makeNode ( SimplexId  vertexId,
SimplexId  linked = nullVertex 

Definition at line 473 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ makeSuperArc()

idSuperArc FTMTree_MT::makeSuperArc ( idNode  downNodeId,
idNode  upNodeId 

Definition at line 499 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ move()

void FTMTree_MT::move ( FTMTree_MT mt)

Definition at line 512 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ normalizeIds()

void FTMTree_MT::normalizeIds ( )

Definition at line 524 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ notNeedToNormalize()

bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::notNeedToNormalize ( idNode  nodeId)

Definition at line 77 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ openSuperArc()

idSuperArc FTMTree_MT::openSuperArc ( idNode  downNodeId)

Definition at line 627 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ preconditionTriangulation()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::preconditionTriangulation ( AbstractTriangulation tri,
const bool  preproc = true 

Definition at line 302 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ printArc()

string FTMTree_MT::printArc ( idSuperArc  a)

Definition at line 642 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ printMergedRoot()

template<class dataType >
std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printMergedRoot ( bool  doPrint = true)

Definition at line 330 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ printMultiPersOriginsVectorFromTree()

std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printMultiPersOriginsVectorFromTree ( bool  doPrint = true)

Definition at line 480 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ printMultiPersPairsFromTree()

template<class dataType >
std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printMultiPersPairsFromTree ( bool  useBD = false,
bool  printPairs = true,
bool  doPrint = true 

Definition at line 398 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ printNode()

string FTMTree_MT::printNode ( idNode  n)

Definition at line 681 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ printNode2()

template<class dataType >
std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printNode2 ( idNode  nodeId,
bool  doPrint = true 

Definition at line 317 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ printNodeSS()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printNodeSS ( idNode  node,
std::stringstream &  ss 

Definition at line 421 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ printPairsFromTree()

template<class dataType >
std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printPairsFromTree ( bool  useBD = false,
bool  printPairs = true,
bool  doPrint = true 

Definition at line 374 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ printParams()

void FTMTree_MT::printParams ( ) const

Definition at line 703 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ printTime()

int FTMTree_MT::printTime ( Timer t,
const std::string &  s,
const int  debugLevel = 2 
) const

Definition at line 727 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ printTree()

std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printTree ( bool  doPrint = true)

Definition at line 434 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ printTree2()

void FTMTree_MT::printTree2 ( )

Definition at line 743 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ printTreeScalars()

template<class dataType >
std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printTreeScalars ( bool  printNodeAlone = true,
bool  doPrint = true 

Definition at line 348 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ printTreeStats()

std::stringstream ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::printTreeStats ( bool  doPrint = true)

Definition at line 468 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ propagate()

template<class triangulationType >
std::tuple< bool, bool > ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::propagate ( const triangulationType *  mesh,
CurrentState currentState,
UF  curUF 

Definition at line 344 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ setNormalizeIds()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setNormalizeIds ( const bool  normalize)

Definition at line 322 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setParamsScalars()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setParamsScalars ( const std::shared_ptr< Params > &  params,
const std::shared_ptr< Scalars > &  scalars 

Definition at line 111 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setParent()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setParent ( idNode  nodeId,
idNode  newParentNodeId 

Definition at line 333 of file FTMTreeUtils.cpp.

◆ setScalars()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setScalars ( void *  local_scalars)

Definition at line 310 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setSegmentation()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setSegmentation ( const bool  segm)

Definition at line 318 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setTreeType()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setTreeType ( const int  local_treeType)

Definition at line 314 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setValence()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setValence ( const SimplexId  v,
const SimplexId  val 

Definition at line 397 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setVert2Tree()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setVert2Tree ( decltype(mt_data_.vert2tree) const &  vect2tree)

Definition at line 435 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setVertexScalars()

template<typename scalarType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setVertexScalars ( const scalarType *  vals)

Definition at line 344 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ setVertexSoSoffsets()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::setVertexSoSoffsets ( const SimplexId *const  sos)
For this function to behave correctly in the absence of the VTK wrapper, ttk::preconditionOrderArray() needs to be called to fill the sos buffer prior to any computation (the VTK wrapper already includes a mechanism to automatically generate such a preconditioned buffer).
See also
examples/c++/main.cpp for an example use.

Definition at line 357 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ sortArcs()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::sortArcs ( )

Sort tree arcs.

Arcs are sorted according to the lexicographic order (down node order, up node order). The node order is the one used in sortNodes.

Definition at line 834 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ sortDownArcs()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::sortDownArcs ( const idNode  nid)

Definition at line 847 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ sortedNodes()

vector< idNode > FTMTree_MT::sortedNodes ( const bool  parallel = false)

Definition at line 903 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ sortInput()

template<typename scalarType >
void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::sortInput ( )

if sortedVertices_ is null, define and fill it

Definition at line 522 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ sortLeaves()

void FTMTree_MT::sortLeaves ( const bool  parallel = false)

Definition at line 770 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ sortNodes()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::sortNodes ( )

Sort tree nodes according to vertex order.

The vertex order is the same for Join Trees and Split Trees: minima first, maxima last.

Definition at line 784 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ sortUpArcs()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::sortUpArcs ( const idNode  nid)

Definition at line 838 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ trunk()

template<class triangulationType >
SimplexId ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::trunk ( const triangulationType *  mesh,
const bool  ct 

Definition at line 398 of file FTMTree_MT_Template.h.

◆ trunkCTSegmentation()

SimplexId FTMTree_MT::trunkCTSegmentation ( const std::vector< SimplexId > &  pendingNodesVerts,
const SimplexId  begin,
const SimplexId  stop 

Definition at line 925 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ trunkSegmentation()

SimplexId FTMTree_MT::trunkSegmentation ( const std::vector< SimplexId > &  pendingNodesVerts,
const SimplexId  begin,
const SimplexId  stop 

Definition at line 1006 of file FTMTree_MT.cpp.

◆ upArcFromVert()

idSuperArc ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::upArcFromVert ( const SimplexId  v)

Definition at line 815 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ updateCorrespondingArc()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::updateCorrespondingArc ( const SimplexId  vert,
const idSuperArc  arc 

Definition at line 493 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ updateCorrespondingNode()

void ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::updateCorrespondingNode ( const SimplexId  vert,
const idNode  node 

Definition at line 498 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ verifyBranchDecompositionInconsistency()

template<class dataType >
bool ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::verifyBranchDecompositionInconsistency ( )

Definition at line 81 of file FTMTreeUtils_Template.h.

◆ vertex2Node()

Node * ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::vertex2Node ( const SimplexId  vert)

Definition at line 487 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ vertex2SuperArc()

SuperArc * ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::vertex2SuperArc ( const SimplexId  vert)

Definition at line 483 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ comp_

Comparison ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::comp_

Definition at line 91 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ mt_data_

TreeData ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::mt_data_

Definition at line 90 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ params_

std::shared_ptr<Params> ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::params_

Definition at line 86 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

◆ scalars_

std::shared_ptr<Scalars> ttk::ftm::FTMTree_MT::scalars_

Definition at line 87 of file FTMTree_MT.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: