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ttkReebSpace Class Reference

TTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the Reeb space of bivariate volumetric data. More...

#include <ttkReebSpace.h>

Inheritance diagram for ttkReebSpace:
ttkAlgorithm ttk::ReebSpace ttk::Debug ttk::Debug ttk::BaseClass ttk::BaseClass

Public Types

typedef ttkAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from ttkAlgorithm
typedef vtkAlgorithm Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
virtual bool GetForceInputOffsetScalarField ()
virtual void SetForceInputOffsetScalarField (bool)
virtual bool GetUseOctreeAcceleration ()
virtual void SetUseOctreeAcceleration (bool)
virtual bool GetZeroSheetId ()
virtual void SetZeroSheetId (bool)
virtual bool GetZeroSheetType ()
virtual void SetZeroSheetType (bool)
virtual bool GetZeroSheetValue ()
virtual void SetZeroSheetValue (bool)
virtual bool GetZeroSheetVertexId ()
virtual void SetZeroSheetVertexId (bool)
virtual bool GetOneSheetId ()
virtual void SetOneSheetId (bool)
virtual bool GetOneSheetType ()
virtual void SetOneSheetType (bool)
virtual bool GetOneSheetValue ()
virtual void SetOneSheetValue (bool)
virtual bool GetOneSheetVertexId ()
virtual void SetOneSheetVertexId (bool)
virtual bool GetOneSheetEdgeId ()
virtual void SetOneSheetEdgeId (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheets ()
virtual void SetTwoSheets (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetCaseId ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetCaseId (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetValue ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetValue (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetParameterization ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetParameterization (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetId ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetId (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetEdgeId ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetEdgeId (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetTetId ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetTetId (bool)
virtual bool GetTwoSheetEdgeType ()
virtual void SetTwoSheetEdgeType (bool)
virtual bool GetThreeSheetTetNumber ()
virtual void SetThreeSheetTetNumber (bool)
virtual bool GetThreeSheetVertexNumber ()
virtual void SetThreeSheetVertexNumber (bool)
virtual bool GetThreeSheetExpansion ()
virtual void SetThreeSheetExpansion (bool)
virtual bool GetThreeSheetDomainVolume ()
virtual void SetThreeSheetDomainVolume (bool)
virtual bool GetThreeSheetRangeArea ()
virtual void SetThreeSheetRangeArea (bool)
virtual bool GetThreeSheetHyperVolume ()
virtual void SetThreeSheetHyperVolume (bool)
virtual double GetSimplificationThreshold ()
virtual void SetSimplificationThreshold (double)
virtual int GetSimplificationCriterion ()
virtual void SetSimplificationCriterion (int)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttkAlgorithm
void UpdateThreadNumber ()
void SetThreadNumber (int threadNumber)
void SetUseAllCores (bool useAllCores)
void SetDebugLevel (int debugLevel)
void SetCompactTriangulationCacheSize (float cacheSize)
vtkDataArray * GetOptionalArray (const bool &enforceArrayIndex, const int &arrayIndex, const std::string &arrayName, vtkDataSet *const inputData, const int &inputPort=0)
vtkDataArray * GetOrderArray (vtkDataSet *const inputData, const int scalarArrayIdx, ttk::Triangulation *triangulation, const bool getGlobalOrder=false, const int orderArrayIdx=0, const bool enforceOrderArrayIdx=false)
vtkDataArray * checkForGlobalAndComputeOrderArray (vtkDataSet *const inputData, vtkDataArray *scalarArray, const int scalarArrayIdx, const bool getGlobalOrder, vtkDataArray *orderArray, ttk::Triangulation *triangulation, const bool enforceOrderArrayIdx)
vtkDataArray * ComputeOrderArray (vtkDataSet *const inputData, vtkDataArray *scalarArray, const int scalarArrayIdx, const bool getGlobalOrder, vtkDataArray *oldOrderArray, ttk::Triangulation *triangulation)
ttk::SimplexIdGetIdentifierArrayPtr (const bool &enforceArrayIndex, const int &arrayIndex, const std::string &arrayName, vtkDataSet *const inputData, std::vector< ttk::SimplexId > &spareStorage, const int inputPort=0, const bool printErr=true)
ttk::TriangulationGetTriangulation (vtkDataSet *dataSet)
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVectors, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) override
vtkDataSet * GetOutput ()
vtkDataSet * GetOutput (int)
void SetInputData (vtkDataSet *)
void SetInputData (int, vtkDataSet *)
void AddInputData (vtkDataSet *)
void AddInputData (int, vtkDataSet *)
template<typename inputType >
int checkEmptyMPIInput (inputType *input)
 This method tests whether the input is a nullptr. If the computation is being done on multiple processes, it is possible that the domain of one process or more is empty, but not others, therefore in that particular case the rest of the filter will not be computed but an error message will not be sent.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::Debug
 Debug ()
 ~Debug () override
virtual int setDebugLevel (const int &debugLevel)
int setWrapper (const Wrapper *wrapper) override
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::vector< std::string > &msgs, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printErr (const std::string &msg, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr) const
int printWrn (const std::string &msg, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const int &threads, const double &memory, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const double &time, const int &threads, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::PERFORMANCE, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const double &progress, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &rows, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const bool hasHeader=true, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsg (const std::string &msg, const debug::Separator &separator, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
void setDebugMsgPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttk::BaseClass
 BaseClass ()
virtual ~BaseClass ()=default
int getThreadNumber () const
virtual int setThreadNumber (const int threadNumber)

Static Public Member Functions

static ttkReebSpaceNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static ttkReebSpaceSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ttkAlgorithm
static ttkAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static ttkAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static std::string GetOrderArrayName (vtkDataArray *const array)
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * SAME_DATA_TYPE_AS_INPUT_PORT ()

Protected Member Functions

 ttkReebSpace ()
int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info) override
int FillOutputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info) override
int RequestData (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) override
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV >
int dispatch (const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, ttk::Triangulation *const triangulation)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttkAlgorithm
 ttkAlgorithm ()
 ~ttkAlgorithm () override
void MPIGhostPipelinePreconditioning (vtkDataSet *input)
void MPIPipelinePreconditioning (vtkDataSet *input, std::vector< int > &neighbors, std::map< int, int > &neighToId, ttk::Triangulation *triangulation=nullptr)
bool checkGlobalIdValidity (ttk::LongSimplexId *globalIds, ttk::SimplexId simplexNumber, unsigned char *ghost, int *rankArray)
int GenerateGlobalIds (vtkDataSet *input, std::unordered_map< ttk::SimplexId, ttk::SimplexId > &vertGtoL, std::vector< int > &neighborRanks, std::map< int, int > &neighborsToId)
void MPITriangulationPreconditioning (ttk::Triangulation *triangulation, vtkDataSet *input)
virtual int RequestDataObject (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVectors, vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
virtual int RequestInformation (vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **ttkNotUsed(inputVectors), vtkInformationVector *ttkNotUsed(outputVector))
virtual int RequestUpdateTime (vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **ttkNotUsed(inputVectors), vtkInformationVector *ttkNotUsed(outputVector))
virtual int RequestUpdateTimeDependentInformation (vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **ttkNotUsed(inputVectors), vtkInformationVector *ttkNotUsed(outputVector))
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent (vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **ttkNotUsed(inputVectors), vtkInformationVector *ttkNotUsed(outputVector))
virtual int RequestDataNotGenerated (vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **ttkNotUsed(inputVectors), vtkInformationVector *ttkNotUsed(outputVector))
virtual int RequestData (vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **ttkNotUsed(inputVectors), vtkInformationVector *ttkNotUsed(outputVector))
int FillInputPortInformation (int ttkNotUsed(port), vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(info)) override
int FillOutputPortInformation (int ttkNotUsed(port), vtkInformation *ttkNotUsed(info)) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::Debug
int printMsgInternal (const std::string &msg, const std::string &right, const std::string &filler, const debug::Priority &priority=debug::Priority::INFO, const debug::LineMode &lineMode=debug::LineMode::NEW, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int printMsgInternal (const std::string &msg, const debug::Priority &priority, const debug::LineMode &lineMode, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const
int welcomeMsg (std::ostream &stream)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttk::ReebSpace
template<typename triangulationType >
int compute1sheetsOnly (const std::vector< std::pair< SimplexId, char > > &jacobiSet, std::vector< std::pair< SimplexId, SimplexId > > &jacobiSetClassification, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<typename triangulationType >
int compute1sheets (const std::vector< std::pair< SimplexId, char > > &jacobiSet, std::vector< std::pair< SimplexId, SimplexId > > &jacobiSetClassification, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV , typename triangulationType >
int compute2sheets (const std::vector< std::pair< SimplexId, SimplexId > > &jacobiEdges, const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV , typename triangulationType >
int compute2sheetChambers (const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<typename triangulationType >
int compute3sheet (const SimplexId &vertexId, const std::vector< std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 3 > > > &tetTriangles, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<typename triangulationType >
int compute3sheets (std::vector< std::vector< std::array< SimplexId, 3 > > > &tetTriangles, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV , typename triangulationType >
int computeGeometricalMeasures (Sheet3 &sheet, const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, const triangulationType &triangulation)
int connect3sheetTo0sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &sheet0Id)
int connect3sheetTo1sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &sheet1Id)
int connect3sheetTo2sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &sheet2Id)
int connect3sheetTo3sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &otherSheet3Id)
template<typename triangulationType >
int connectSheets (const triangulationType &triangulation)
int disconnect1sheetFrom0sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet1Id, const SimplexId &sheet0Id, const SimplexId &biggerId)
int disconnect3sheetFrom0sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &sheet0Id)
template<typename triangulationType >
int disconnect3sheetFrom1sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &sheet1Id, const SimplexId &biggerId, const triangulationType &triangulation)
int disconnect3sheetFrom2sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &sheet2Id)
int disconnect3sheetFrom3sheet (ReebSpaceData &data, const SimplexId &sheet3Id, const SimplexId &other3SheetId)
template<typename triangulationType >
int flush (const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<typename triangulationType >
int mergeSheets (const SimplexId &smallerId, const SimplexId &biggerId, const triangulationType &triangulation)
int preMergeSheets (const SimplexId &sheetId0, const SimplexId &sheetId1)
int prepareSimplification ()
int printConnectivity (const ReebSpaceData &data) const
template<typename triangulationType >
int simplifySheets (const double &simplificationThreshold, const SimplificationCriterion &simplificationCriterion, const triangulationType &triangulation)
template<typename triangulationType >
int simplifySheet (const SimplexId &sheetId, const SimplificationCriterion &simplificationCriterion, const triangulationType &triangulation)
 ReebSpace ()
bool empty () const
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV , typename triangulationType >
int execute (const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, const triangulationType &triangulation)
const Sheet0get0sheet (const SimplexId &sheetId) const
const Sheet1get1sheet (const SimplexId &sheetId) const
const Sheet2get2sheet (const SimplexId &sheetId) const
const Sheet3get3sheet (const SimplexId &sheetId) const
const std::vector< SimplexId > * get0sheetSegmentation () const
const std::vector< SimplexId > * get1sheetSegmentation () const
const std::vector< SimplexId > * get3sheetVertexSegmentation () const
const std::vector< SimplexId > * get3sheetTetSegmentation () const
const std::vector< char > * getEdgeTypes () const
const std::vector< FiberSurface::Vertex > * getFiberSurfaceVertices () const
int getJacobi2Edge (const SimplexId &jacobiEdgeId) const
SimplexId getNumberOf2sheets () const
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV >
int perturb (const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, const dataTypeU &uEpsilon=Geometry::powIntTen(-DBL_DIG), const dataTypeV &vEpsilon=Geometry::powIntTen(-DBL_DIG))
void setExpand3Sheets (const bool &onOff)
bool setRangeDrivenOctree (const bool &onOff)
void setSosOffsetsU (const SimplexId *const sosOffsetsU)
void setSosOffsetsV (const SimplexId *const sosOffsetsV)
void setTetNumber (const SimplexId &tetNumber)
void setVertexNumber (const SimplexId &vertexNumber)
int preconditionTriangulation (AbstractTriangulation *const triangulation)
template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV , typename triangulationType >
int simplify (const dataTypeU *const uField, const dataTypeV *const vField, const triangulationType &triangulation, const double &simplificationThreshold, const SimplificationCriterion &criterion=SimplificationCriterion::rangeArea)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from ttk::ReebSpace
enum class  SimplificationCriterion { domainVolume , rangeArea , hyperVolume }
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttkAlgorithm
float CompactTriangulationCacheSize {0.2f}
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Debug
int debugLevel_
std::string debugMsgPrefix_
std::string debugMsgNamePrefix_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::BaseClass
bool lastObject_
int threadNumber_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::ReebSpace
SimplexId vertexNumber_ {0}
SimplexId edgeNumber_ {0}
SimplexId tetNumber_ {0}
double totalArea_ {-1}
double totalVolume_ {-1}
double totalHyperVolume_ {-1}
const SimplexIdsosOffsetsU_ {}
const SimplexIdsosOffsetsV_ {}
bool hasConnectedSheets_ {false}
bool expand3sheets_ {true}
bool withRangeDrivenOctree_ {true}
ReebSpaceData originalData_ {}
ReebSpaceData currentData_ {}
std::vector< std::pair< SimplexId, char > > jacobiSetEdges_ {}
std::vector< SimplexIdjacobi2edges_ {}
FiberSurface fiberSurface_ {}
JacobiSet jacobiSet_ {}
std::vector< FiberSurface::VertexfiberSurfaceVertexList_ {}
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ttk::Debug
static COMMON_EXPORTS debug::LineMode lastLineMode = ttk::debug::LineMode::NEW

Detailed Description

TTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the Reeb space of bivariate volumetric data.

Julien Tierny
October 2015.

The Reeb space is a useful topological abstraction of bivariate scalar fields for data segmentation purposes. Intuitively, it allows the automatic separation of volumetric regions that project to the same areas in the range. This class also implements a simplification heuristic for progressive coarsening. Used in conjunction with continuous scatterplots, this class enables continuous scattterplot peeling for instance.

The input data must be provided as two independent point data scalar fields defined on the geometry.

Only tetrahedral meshes are supported.
InputInput bivariate data (vtkUnstructuredGrid)
Output0Output 0-sheets (vtkUnstructuredGrid)
Output1Output 1-sheets (vtkUnstructuredGrid)
Output2Output 2-sheets (vtkUnstructuredGrid)
Output3Output 3-sheets (vtkUnstructuredGrid)

This filter can be used as any other VTK filter (for instance, by using the sequence of calls SetInputData(), Update(), GetOutput()).

The input data arrays needs to be specified via the standard VTK call vtkAlgorithm::SetInputArrayToProcess() with the following parameters:

idx0 for the U Component, 1 for the V Component
port0 (FIXED: first port)
connection0 (FIXED: first connection)
fieldAssociation0 (FIXED: point data)
arrayName(DYNAMIC: string identifier of the input array)

The optional offset arrays can be specified via the standard VTK call vtkAlgorithm::SetInputArrayToProcess() with the following parameters:

idx2 for the U Offset Field, 3 for the V Offset Field
port0 (FIXED: first port)
connection0 (FIXED: first connection)
fieldAssociation0 (FIXED: point data)
arrayName(DYNAMIC: string identifier of the offset array)
: To use this optional array, ForceInputOffsetScalarField needs to be enabled with the setter ‘setForceInputOffsetScalarField()’.

See the related ParaView example state files for usage examples within a VTK pipeline.

Related publication
"Jacobi Fiber Surfaces for Bivariate Reeb Space Computation"
Julien Tierny, Hamish Carr
Proc. of IEEE VIS 2016.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2016.

See also

Definition at line 76 of file ttkReebSpace.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 81 of file ttkReebSpace.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ttkReebSpace()

ttkReebSpace::ttkReebSpace ( )

Definition at line 18 of file ttkReebSpace.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ dispatch()

template<class dataTypeU , class dataTypeV >
int ttkReebSpace::dispatch ( const dataTypeU *const  uField,
const dataTypeV *const  vField,
ttk::Triangulation *const  triangulation 

Definition at line 46 of file ttkReebSpace.cpp.

◆ FillInputPortInformation()

int ttkReebSpace::FillInputPortInformation ( int  port,
vtkInformation *  info 

Definition at line 23 of file ttkReebSpace.cpp.

◆ FillOutputPortInformation()

int ttkReebSpace::FillOutputPortInformation ( int  port,
vtkInformation *  info 

Definition at line 31 of file ttkReebSpace.cpp.

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char * ttkReebSpace::GetClassName ( )

Reimplemented from ttkAlgorithm.

◆ GetForceInputOffsetScalarField()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetForceInputOffsetScalarField ( )

◆ GetOneSheetEdgeId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetOneSheetEdgeId ( )

◆ GetOneSheetId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetOneSheetId ( )

◆ GetOneSheetType()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetOneSheetType ( )

◆ GetOneSheetValue()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetOneSheetValue ( )

◆ GetOneSheetVertexId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetOneSheetVertexId ( )

◆ GetSimplificationCriterion()

virtual int ttkReebSpace::GetSimplificationCriterion ( )

◆ GetSimplificationThreshold()

virtual double ttkReebSpace::GetSimplificationThreshold ( )

◆ GetThreeSheetDomainVolume()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetThreeSheetDomainVolume ( )

◆ GetThreeSheetExpansion()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetThreeSheetExpansion ( )

◆ GetThreeSheetHyperVolume()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetThreeSheetHyperVolume ( )

◆ GetThreeSheetRangeArea()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetThreeSheetRangeArea ( )

◆ GetThreeSheetTetNumber()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetThreeSheetTetNumber ( )

◆ GetThreeSheetVertexNumber()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetThreeSheetVertexNumber ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetCaseId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetCaseId ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetEdgeId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetEdgeId ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetEdgeType()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetEdgeType ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetId ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetParameterization()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetParameterization ( )

◆ GetTwoSheets()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheets ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetTetId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetTetId ( )

◆ GetTwoSheetValue()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetTwoSheetValue ( )

◆ GetUseOctreeAcceleration()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetUseOctreeAcceleration ( )

◆ GetZeroSheetId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetZeroSheetId ( )

◆ GetZeroSheetType()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetZeroSheetType ( )

◆ GetZeroSheetValue()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetZeroSheetValue ( )

◆ GetZeroSheetVertexId()

virtual bool ttkReebSpace::GetZeroSheetVertexId ( )

◆ IsA()

virtual int ttkReebSpace::IsA ( const char *  type)

Reimplemented from ttkAlgorithm.

◆ IsTypeOf()

static int ttkReebSpace::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ New()

static ttkReebSpace * ttkReebSpace::New ( )

◆ RequestData()

int ttkReebSpace::RequestData ( vtkInformation *  request,
vtkInformationVector **  inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *  outputVector 

Definition at line 79 of file ttkReebSpace.cpp.

◆ SafeDownCast()

static ttkReebSpace * ttkReebSpace::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject *  o)

◆ SetForceInputOffsetScalarField()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetForceInputOffsetScalarField ( bool  )

◆ SetOneSheetEdgeId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetOneSheetEdgeId ( bool  )

◆ SetOneSheetId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetOneSheetId ( bool  )

◆ SetOneSheetType()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetOneSheetType ( bool  )

◆ SetOneSheetValue()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetOneSheetValue ( bool  )

◆ SetOneSheetVertexId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetOneSheetVertexId ( bool  )

◆ SetSimplificationCriterion()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetSimplificationCriterion ( int  )

◆ SetSimplificationThreshold()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetSimplificationThreshold ( double  )

◆ SetThreeSheetDomainVolume()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetThreeSheetDomainVolume ( bool  )

◆ SetThreeSheetExpansion()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetThreeSheetExpansion ( bool  )

◆ SetThreeSheetHyperVolume()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetThreeSheetHyperVolume ( bool  )

◆ SetThreeSheetRangeArea()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetThreeSheetRangeArea ( bool  )

◆ SetThreeSheetTetNumber()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetThreeSheetTetNumber ( bool  )

◆ SetThreeSheetVertexNumber()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetThreeSheetVertexNumber ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetCaseId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetCaseId ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetEdgeId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetEdgeId ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetEdgeType()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetEdgeType ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetId ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetParameterization()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetParameterization ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheets()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheets ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetTetId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetTetId ( bool  )

◆ SetTwoSheetValue()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetTwoSheetValue ( bool  )

◆ SetUseOctreeAcceleration()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetUseOctreeAcceleration ( bool  )

◆ SetZeroSheetId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetZeroSheetId ( bool  )

◆ SetZeroSheetType()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetZeroSheetType ( bool  )

◆ SetZeroSheetValue()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetZeroSheetValue ( bool  )

◆ SetZeroSheetVertexId()

virtual void ttkReebSpace::SetZeroSheetVertexId ( bool  )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: