The Topology ToolKit - VTK wrapping code for the processing packages. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | ttk |
The Topology ToolKit. | |
Classes | |
class | ttkAlgorithm |
Baseclass of all VTK filters that wrap ttk modules. More... | |
class | ttkUtils |
TTK Util Functions. More... | |
class | ttkArrayEditor |
TTK VTK-filter that edit arrays of a vtkDataObject. More... | |
class | ttkArrayPreconditioning |
TTK VTK-filter to generate order fields. More... | |
class | ttkBarycentricSubdivision |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::BarycentricSubdivision processing package. More... | |
class | ttkBlockAggregator |
TTK VTK-filter that appends every input vtkDataObject as a block to an output vtkMultiBlockDataSet. More... | |
class | ttkBottleneckDistance |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the bottleneckDistance processing package. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomCamera |
This source generates a Cinema Darkroom Camera. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomColorMapping |
Performs color mapping of a scalar field. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomCompositing |
Composites multiple vtkImageData objects base on depth values. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomFXAA |
Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomIBS |
Image Based Shading. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomNoise |
Noise. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomShader |
Base Class for all CinemaDarkroom Shaders. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomSSAO |
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomSSDoF |
Screen Space Depth of Field. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaDarkroomSSSAO |
Scalable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaImaging |
TTK VTK-filter that generates images of a vtkDataSet. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaProductReader |
TTK VTK-filter that reads the data products that are referenced in a vtkTable. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaQuery |
TTK VTK-filter that uses a SQL statement to select a subset of a vtkTable. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaReader |
TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database. More... | |
class | ttkCinemaWriter |
TTK VTK-filter that writes input to disk. More... | |
class | ttkClusteringMetrics |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::ClusteringMetrics module. More... | |
class | ttkComponentSize |
TTK VTK-filter that computes the connected components of a data-set, and that computes their size (number of vertices, number of cells, etc.). More... | |
class | ttkConnectedComponents |
TTK VTK-filter that computes connected components based on a scalar field. More... | |
class | ttkContinuousScatterPlot |
TTK VTK-filter that computes the continuous scatterplot of bivariate volumetric data. More... | |
class | ttkContourAroundPoint |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the contourAroundPoint processing package. More... | |
class | ttkContourForests |
TTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the contour tree of scalar data and more (data segmentation, topological simplification, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, etc.). More... | |
class | ttkContourTree |
TTK filter for the computation of contour trees. More... | |
class | ttkContourTreeAlignment |
TTK VTK-filter that computes an alignment for a multiblock of contourtrees. More... | |
class | ttkDataSetInterpolator |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the dataSetInterpolator processing package. More... | |
class | ttkDataSetToTable |
TTK VTK-filter that creates a vtkTable from a vtkDataSet. More... | |
class | ttkDepthImageBasedGeometryApproximation |
TTK VTK-filter that approximates the geometry that is depicted by a set of depth images. More... | |
class | ttkDimensionReduction |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::DimensionReduction processing package. More... | |
class | ttkDiscreteGradient |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the discreteGradient processing package. More... | |
class | ttkDistanceField |
TTK VTK-filter for distance field computations. More... | |
class | ttkDistanceMatrixDistortion |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::DistanceMatrixDistortion module. More... | |
class | ttkEigenField |
TTK VTK-filter for eigenfunctions computation. More... | |
class | ttkEndFor |
TTK VTK-filter that requests data as long as it is available. More... | |
class | ttkExtract |
TTK VTK-filter that provides multiple methods to extract subsets of an input data object based on a logical expression. More... | |
class | ttkFiber |
TTK VTK-filter for fiber computation on bivariate volumetric data. More... | |
class | ttkFiberSurface |
TTK VTK-filter that computes fiber surfaces. More... | |
class | ttkFlattenMultiBlock |
TTK processing package for flattening the top-level hierarchy of a tree vtkMultiBlockDataSet structure. More... | |
class | ttkForEach |
TTK VTK-filter that works in conjunction with the ttkEndFor filter to iterate over blocks, rows, array values, and arrays. More... | |
class | ttkGaussianPointCloud |
TTK VTK-filter that generates a 1D, 2D or 3D point cloud by randomly casting samples from a Gaussian distribution. More... | |
class | ttkGeometrySmoother |
TTK VTK-filter for geometry smoothing. More... | |
class | ttkGridLayout |
TTK VTK-filter that arranges vtkDataSets on a grid. More... | |
class | ttkHarmonicField |
TTK VTK-filter for harmonic field computations. More... | |
class | ttkHelloWorld |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::HelloWorld module. More... | |
class | ttkIcosphere |
class | ttkIcosphereFromObject |
class | ttkIcospheresFromPoints |
class | ttkIdentifierRandomizer |
TTK VTK-filter that randomly shuffles segmentation identifiers. More... | |
class | ttkIdentifiers |
TTK VTK-filter that triggers the computation of global identifiers. More... | |
class | ttkIdentifyByScalarField |
TTK VTK-filter that computes a new scalar array based on a sorting of the input array. More... | |
class | ttkImportEmbeddingFromTable |
TTK VTK-filter that embeds a vtkPointSet with the data of a vtkTable. More... | |
class | ttkIntegralLines |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of edge-based integral lines of the gradient of an input scalar field. More... | |
class | ttkJacobiSet |
TTK VTK-filter that computes the Jacobi set of a bivariate volumetric data-set. More... | |
class | ttkLDistance |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the lDistance processing package. More... | |
class | ttkLDistanceMatrix |
Computes a distance matrix using LDistance between several input datasets with the same number of points. More... | |
class | ttkMandatoryCriticalPoints |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of mandatory critical points in uncertain scalar data. More... | |
class | ttkManifoldCheck |
TTK VTK-filter for manifold checks. More... | |
class | ttkMarchingTetrahedra |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MarchingTetrahedra module. More... | |
class | ttkMatrixToHeatMap |
Generates a Heat Map from a Distance Matrix stored into a vtkTable. More... | |
class | ttkMergeBlockTables |
TTK processing package for merging vtkTables from a vtkMultiBlockDataSet. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTree |
TTK filter for the computation of merge trees. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeUtils |
class | ttkMergeTreeAutoencoder |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeAutoencoder module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeAutoencoderUtils |
class | ttkMergeTreeAutoencoderDecoding |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeAutoencoderDecoding module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeClustering |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeClustering module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeDistanceMatrix |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeDistanceMatrix module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreePrincipalGeodesics |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreePrincipalGeodesics module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecoding |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreePrincipalGeodesicsDecoding module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeTemporalReduction |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeTemporalReduction module. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeTemporalReductionUtils |
class | ttkMergeTreeTemporalReductionDecoding |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MergeTreeTemporalReductionDecoding module. More... | |
class | ttkMeshGraph |
TTK VTK-filter that generates a mesh for a graph. More... | |
class | ttkMeshSubdivision |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of mesh subdivisions (without vertex displacement). More... | |
class | ttkMetricDistortion |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::MetricDistortion module. More... | |
class | ttkMorphologicalOperators |
TTK VTK-filter that dilates or erodes a specified vertex label. More... | |
class | ttkMorseSmaleComplex |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the morseSmaleComplex processing package. More... | |
class | ttkMorseSmaleQuadrangulation |
TTK VTK-filter for surface quadrangulation. More... | |
class | ttkOBJWriter |
ttkOBJWriter - Object File Format Writer More... | |
class | ttkOFFReader |
ttkOFFReader - Object File Format Reader More... | |
class | ttkOFFWriter |
ttkOFFWriter - Object File Format Writer More... | |
class | ttkPathCompression |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::PathCompression module. More... | |
class | ttkPeriodicGhostsGeneration |
TTK VTK-filter that generates an outside ghost layer for periodic implicit grids when used in a distributed context. More... | |
class | ttkPersistenceCurve |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistence curves. More... | |
class | ttkPersistenceDiagram |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistence diagrams. More... | |
class | ttkPersistenceDiagramApproximation |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of an approximation of a persistence diagram. More... | |
class | ttkPersistenceDiagramClustering |
TTK processing package for the computation of Wasserstein barycenters and K-Means clusterings of a set of persistence diagrams. More... | |
class | ttkPersistenceDiagramDistanceMatrix |
TTK processing package for the computation of a matrix of Wasserstein distances between persistence diagrams. More... | |
class | ttkPersistentGenerators |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of persistent generators. More... | |
class | ttkMergeTreeVisualization |
class | ttkPlanarGraphLayout |
TTK VTK-filter that computes a planar graph layout. More... | |
class | ttkPointDataConverter |
TTK VTK-filter that converts data types for point-based scalar fields (for instance, from double to float). More... | |
class | ttkPointDataSelector |
TTK VTK-filter that selects scalar fields on input with shallow copy. More... | |
class | ttkPointMerger |
TTK VTK-filter for point merging. More... | |
class | ttkPointSetToCurve |
TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database. More... | |
class | ttkPointSetToSurface |
TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database. More... | |
class | ttkProgramBase |
Base VTK editor class for standalone programs. This class parses the the command line, execute the TTK module and takes care of the IO. More... | |
class | ttkProjectionFromField |
TTK VTK-filter which projects a data-set to 2D given two point-data scalar fields to be used as 2D coordinates. More... | |
class | ttkProjectionFromTable |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::ProjectionFromTable module. More... | |
class | ttkQuadrangulationSubdivision |
TTK VTK-filter for surface quadrangulation. More... | |
class | ttkRangePolygon |
TTK VTK-filter which produces a valid range polygon for fiber surface extraction. More... | |
class | ttkReebGraph |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of Reeb Graphs. More... | |
class | ttkReebSpace |
TTK VTK-filter that efficiently computes the Reeb space of bivariate volumetric data. More... | |
class | ttkRipsComplex |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::RipsComplex processing package. More... | |
class | ttkRipsPersistenceDiagram |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the ttk::RipsPersistenceDiagram module. More... | |
class | ttkScalarFieldCriticalPoints |
TTK VTK-filter for the computation of critical points in PL scalar fields defined on PL manifolds. More... | |
class | ttkScalarFieldNormalizer |
TTK VTK-filter that normalizes an input scalar field. More... | |
class | ttkScalarFieldSmoother |
TTK VTK-filter for scalar field smoothing. More... | |
class | ttkSignedDistanceField |
This filter computes a signed distance field given a surface in input. More... | |
class | ttkSphereFromPoint |
TTK VTK-filter that produces sphere-only glyphs. More... | |
class | ttkStableManifoldPersistence |
TTK VTK-filter for attaching to an input stable manifold (given by the Morse-Smale complex module) its persistence (given by the persistence diagram). More... | |
class | ttkStringArrayConverter |
TTK VTK-filter that reads a Cinema Spec D Database. More... | |
class | ttkSurfaceGeometrySmoother |
TTK VTK-filter for smoothing meshes on surfaces. More... | |
class | ttkTableDataSelector |
TTK VTK-filter that selects scalar fields on input with shallow copy. More... | |
class | ttkTableDistanceMatrix |
Computes a distance matrix using LDistance from a vtkTable. More... | |
class | ttkTextureMapFromField |
TTK VTK-filter which generates a texture map from one or two point data scalar fields. More... | |
class | ttkTopologicalSimplification |
TTK VTK-filter for the topological simplification of scalar data. More... | |
class | ttkTopologicalSimplificationByPersistence |
TTK VTK-filter that computes a persistence-based simplification of a scalar field. More... | |
class | ttkTrackingFromFields |
TTK VTK-filter that takes an input time-varying data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes a tracking mesh. More... | |
class | ttkTrackingFromOverlap |
TTK VTK-filter that computes the overlap between labeled vtkPointSets. More... | |
class | ttkTriangulationManager |
TTK VTK-filter that manages ttk::Triangulation options. More... | |
class | ttkTriangulationReader |
TTK VTK-filter that reads a TTK Triangulation file. More... | |
class | ttkTriangulationRequest |
TTK VTK-filter that wraps the triangulation processing package. More... | |
class | ttkTriangulationWriter |
ttkTriangulationWriter - Explicit Triangulation Writer More... | |
class | ttkUncertainDataEstimator |
TTK VTK-filter that takes an input ensemble data set (represented by a list of scalar fields) and which computes various vertexwise statistics (PDF estimation, bounds, moments, etc.) More... | |
class | ttkUserInterfaceBase |
Interactions and rendering. More... | |
class | ttkWebSocketIO |
class | ttkWRLExporter |
TTK helper that fixes a few bugs in the texture support for the VRML export. More... | |
The Topology ToolKit - VTK wrapping code for the processing packages.